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rash on upper back arms

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Q: If you have rashes on your upper leg and upper arms?
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Can you get Rashes?

I tried on a pr of jeans now i have rash on my buttock and parts of leg what can i do.

What is lower leg and upper leg?

The lower leg refers to the part of the leg below the knee, which includes the calf and shin. The upper leg refers to the part of the leg above the knee, which includes the thigh.

What is the name of upper part of the leg?

The upper part of the leg is called the thigh. It extends from the hip to the knee and contains large muscles such as the quadriceps and hamstrings.

What allows you to flex and extend your lower leg and upper arms?

The muscles responsible for flexing and extending your lower leg are the quadriceps and hamstrings, while the muscles responsible for flexing and extending your upper arms are the biceps and triceps, respectively. These muscle groups work in opposition to each other to facilitate these movements.

Are dogs supposed to have bald patches under their arms?

Many dogs have bald patches under their arms. It is completely normal. Many dogs will also have bald patches on their elbows, the joint on the upper front leg.

How many arms in the upper arm?

The upper arm is part of an arm and therefore there are no complete arms in the upper arm.

What is the medical term meaning kneecap and upper leg bone?

The medical term for the kneecap is patella, and the upper leg bone is called the femur.

What is the muscle where the leg is connected to the upper body called?

The sotonage is the muscle that connects the leg to the upper body!

What is the upper leg bones?

The bones that make up the upper leg, is called the Femur