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Q: If you have three eggs will they all ovulate?
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Related questions

How often does a hen ovulate?

Hens ovulate daily: their eggs. If their eggs are fertile there is a chance of them hatching into chicks, if incubated correctly.

Why periods don't occur during pregnancy?

Menstral cycles are for ovulating eggs. If you are already pregnant you don't need to ovulate eggs do you?

Do thunderstorms kill chicken eggs?

It can do i had two hens sitting with six eggs each they both hatched three chicks all eggs had chicks in them but three from each had died in the eggs

What age can a female produce an egg in her overy?

Females are born with all the eggs they will ever have. The process of producing eggs begins before birth, with a female baby born with around 1-2 million eggs in her ovaries. However, these eggs are not fully matured until puberty.

Can a women get pregnant three weeks after period?

Depending on when you ovulate - yes.

Do both ovaries contain immature eggs?

Yes. Usually alternately. This month one will ovulate, next month the other.

What part of a dozen are three eggs?

one quarter of a dozen eggs is three eggs.

How long does it take for the egg to get fertile after periods?

You ovulate about two weeks after your period.

what part of a dozen is three eggs?

One-quarter of a dozen eggs is three eggs.

How many days does it take to ovulate?

You only ovulate one day per cycle - although you may release multiple eggs over a 24 hour period, and with eggs surviving for up to 24 hours it means there may be a viable egg present for up to 48 hours. It takes your entire menstrual cycle to ovulate as it's a cycle, a domino effect of hormonal changes and functions occurring between aspects of your reproductive organs.

Does milk eggs and peanut butter have protein?

yes all three have protein in them.

I own a female Rainbow Lorikeet and she is periodically laying eggs. There is no male present. Is this normal?

no --------------- Yes. Just in the same way female chickens lay eggs regularly, other birds lay eggs when they ovulate regularly, lorikeets included.