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Compare their weights on scale's have to select scales depending on the size of the objects

to find a objects density divide the objects mass by its volume.

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11y ago
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10y ago

you can use a balance table for some small objects.

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Lvl 3
2y ago

I feeling the weight.

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Marley Williamson

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2y ago
idk if your right

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Q: If you have two equally sized objects how could you tell which one is more dense?
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If you looked closely could you see the wavelength of a fast moving car?

In theory, according to de Broglie, any moving object would have a wavelength; but the wavelength of large sized objects, such as a car, or even a speck of dust, would be too small to measure.

How is metal line sized?


How could you separate a mixture of rice and marbles?

If we're talking about normal rice-sized rice and standard glass marbles, it's not much of a problem; it would be like separating horses from cats. So let's suppose the "marbles" are chips of metamorphic limestone, cunningly carved to resemble grains of rice. 1. Since rice is less dense that marble, we could irrigate (flush with water) the rice-marble mixture. At some velocity, the rice would be washed away while the marble would remain. 2. We could just a stream of air the same way. 3. We could expose the mixture to a colony of ants, who would carry away the rice and leave the marble.

What is a sentence for the word giant?

As a noun: She was dating a professional basketball player who seemed like a giant among our average sized group.As an adjective: My mom always buys the giant sized packages that don't fit in the cabinets.

What unit is used for measuring solid volume?

Grams. * * * * * That is total rubbish. Grams is a measure of mass, not volume. Volume may be measured in cubic centimetres ( 1 cc = 1 millilitre) for small objects, litres for medium sized objects to cubic metres for "normal" large objects and cubic kilometres for mountains or bigger.

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How do different sized and weight objects settle in water?

Objects which are less dense than water will float. Objects denser than water will float or sink depending on the volume of water that they displace and that will depend on their shape.

What river carries medium sized objects?

Mature rivers .

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Carry medium sized objects?

old rivers

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If something is heavy is it dense or not?

Not necessarily. The weight of an object is determined by both its mass and the gravitational force acting on it, while density is a measure of how much mass is packed into a given volume. So, something heavy could be dense or not, depending on its composition and volume.

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The objects are grouped.

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4 teams

What water Carry medium-sized objects?

Rivers and streams can carry medium-sized objects like rocks, logs, or branches due to the force of the flowing water. These objects can be transported downstream by the current until they get stuck or reach a calmer body of water.

What kind of rivers carry medium sized objects?

big ones

Why Italy and Ireland have the same flag?

Italy and Ireland do not have the same flag. Italy's flag is green, white and red, arranged in three equally-sized vertical bands. Ireland's flag is green, white and orange, arranged in three equally-sized vertical bands.