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Q: If you pull out a gray hair will more grow back?
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Is it true that if you pull a gray hair more grow back?


If you pluck a gray hair do more gray hairs come back?

yes it could grow back.

If you pull a grey hair will more grow back?

The hair that you pulled out, will grow back grey.

How do bald people grow more hair?

they grow hair either by hair product or it just grows back.

Does everyone's hair turn gray?

yes, it all depend on your age the older you grow the more! Heredity is the number one factor as to whether or not a person's hair will turn gray as they age.

If you pluck your eyebrows do you grow more hair?

no, the same amount will grow back after a week or so.

What happens when you pluck a gray hair?

Nothing happens when you pluck a gray hair

What to do in case of gray hair?

do not pull it for it grows back in 5 to 6 more hairs try to dye it

Does chaving more make hair grow faster?

Yes, if you shave your hair it will grow back faster, and thicker. (The same will happen if you cut/trim it, or wax it).

Does dying gray hairs make more gray hairs?

No, plucking or dying gray hairs does not necessarily lead to more gray hairs growing back. The rate at which hair grays is largely determined by genetics and aging.

Is there hair supplements to make your hair grow?

Yes, but it causes erectile disfunctions. but you can do thing to naturally grow your hair. you can bend over and brush the opposite way on the back of your hair, go to youtube for more answers.

I just shaved my pubes will they ever fully grow back to the length before and if so how long will this take?

They will grow back in 3-4 weeks. This varies throughout different people. When they do grow fully back, you will have more hair and it will be thicker and darker Yes they grow back everytime after shaving. Hair grows constantly.