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If you put the north and the south poles of two magnets together they will attract each other.


Fatema Aftab

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11y ago
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15y ago

they would attract each other

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14y ago

they will repel away from each other

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12y ago

they would repel each other

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10y ago

they repel

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Q: What would happen if you put the north and the south poles of two magnets together?
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Which poles are together when magnets repel?

when the magnets repel they have the same poles facing each other. Like if you hold two north side pole together they will repel.

What do the north poles of magnets attract?

the south poles

Do bar magnets have south and north poles?

Yes. All magnets of north and south poles. There is no such thing as a magnetic monopole.

What are the two main properties of magnets?

Magnets have two poles north and south. Like poles repel and unlike poles attract.

What two poles do magnets have?

Magnets have two poles, these poles are called the North pole and the South pole. The North pole is the side of the magnet that points to the Earth's North pole when freely suspended.

Why do magnets stick?

Magnets stick together when you have two different poles next to each other. The North end and the South end attract, whereas two of the same poles repel. It is a magnetic force or pull that makes them stick together.

Do north and south poles in a magnet stick together?

Yes. If there are two magnets in front of each other, yes. North and North/South and South dont stay together.

How does a magnets north pole behave when brought near another north pole near a magnets south pole?

When two of the same poles are brought together they will repel each other. When opposite poles are brought together they attract. Your question was a little unclear, so I hope this helps.

What object repell magnets?

magnets repel magnets. a north repels north, south repels south and north attracts south poles

Why do some magnets bounce back when you try to put them together?

A magnet has two poles, the north and the south. Opposite poles attract, meaning that a north pole will attract a south pole. Same poles repel; a north pole repels another north pole and a south pole repels another south pole. If two magnets attract each other, that pulls them together, and if they repel each other, that pushes them apart. That is the phenomenon that you observed, of magnets bouncing back when you try to put them together.

What are the end of magnets called?

When two magnets are brought close to each other and they try to move apart, we say the two magnets each orher

What is magnetic polarity?

A magnet has a polarity, in that one end is the "north" and the other is the "south". Opposite poles attract but similar poles repell each other. You cannot make the north poles of two magnets stick together.