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No, everyone speaks some sort of slang. Chavs have their own kind of slang just like everyone else.

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Q: If you speak slang does that mean you're a chav?
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What does 2k9 mean?

Its a stupid word in the chavs dictionary. It is slang for 2009. But dont use ot unless you want to be labelled a chav. luv from meee Its a stupid word in the chavs dictionary. It is slang for 2009. But dont use ot unless you want to be labelled a chav. luv from meee

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What does swank mean in chav talk?

Swank means cool and classy.

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Is dumb a slang term?

Yes, "dumb" can be considered a slang term when used informally to mean something is stupid or lacking intelligence.

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it's l33t 2p34k (leet speak/internet slang) for 'Fear' Well not for all of us!!! We might not understand!!

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What does 'chav' mean?

Answerchav (n. and adj.) - vulgar, uneducated, brash. Chav is a term used towards someone who wears a particular fashion and acts a certain way. The usual 'design' of a chav is traksuit bottoms and hoodie. The often swear and will smoke and take anything they can afford. Chav comes from the phrase Council House And Violence. The use phrases such as "innit bruv" and "yeaa mate". Many people exclude chavs from their society and some even fear them.

What does lang mean in slang?

Slang is slang It's the s' "LANG " uage.