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Bleach can cause red clothes to turn white or pale pink due to the chemical reaction with the dyes in the fabric. The bleach breaks down the color molecules, leading to a lighter or faded appearance. It's important to be cautious when using bleach with colored clothes to avoid unwanted color changes.

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Q: If you use red clothes with bleach what color will it turn?
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What color will red litmus paper turn in bleach?

Red litmus paper will turn blue in bleach because bleach is a basic solution with a high pH.

What colour would turn out if you bleach the colour red on a sweater?

If you bleach a red sweater, the resulting color may be a lighter shade of red, pink, or white, depending on the type of dye used in the sweater. Bleaching may also weaken the fabric or cause yellowing. It is recommended to spot test a hidden area before attempting to bleach the entire sweater.

Can bleach turn urine red?

No, bleach does not turn urine red. Urine may turn red due to various reasons such as blood in the urine, certain medications, or medical conditions like urinary tract infections or kidney stones. If you notice red urine, it is best to consult a healthcare professional for an evaluation.

How do you get the white part of a red and white jacket back to white once it has turned pink?

You can try soaking the white part of the jacket in a mixture of cold water and oxygen-based bleach. Follow the instructions on the bleach packaging and soak the jacket for the recommended amount of time before washing as usual. Alternatively, you can try using a color-safe bleach specifically designed for white fabrics.

What would cause urine to turn pink-red when bleach is added?

Urine contains compounds that react with bleach, leading to a chemical reaction that produces a pink or red color. This reaction usually occurs when there are high levels of certain substances in the urine, such as blood. It is important to note that this color change can be a sign of a potential health issue, and it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional if you notice this change.

Related questions

What color will red litmus paper turn in bleach?

Red litmus paper will turn blue in bleach because bleach is a basic solution with a high pH.

What color does bleach turn blue litmus paper?

It will turn more then likely turn light purple. It's really dependent on the concentration of the bleach in the water and to be truly precise, the pH balance of the water itself. Bleach is an alkali or base rather then acidic. So it's pH balance alone is 13 out of a 14 point scale. So it's very base (or alkali).

Which red Punky Color do you use over medium-dark brown to get the brightest possible outcome?

I had black hair..i used Splat color called Raspberry or something like comes with a bleaching kit and the first bleach it. if not, it will just turn out dark red or maroon and thats not what you want. if you bleach it then dye it with the bright red, its killer.

What is the effect on turmeric on bleach?

The color become red to brown.

How can you turn white clothes into red clothes?

by dying it red or put in the wash with lots of other red cloths

Why does bleach turn your whites pink?

When bleach comes in contact with certain dyes or substances commonly found in clothing, it can create a chemical reaction that results in a pink color. This pink coloration is often due to the breakdown of the chemicals in the dye, causing the fabric to become tinted pink. It's important to read and follow the care instructions on your clothing labels to prevent this from happening.

What colour would turn out if you bleach the colour red on a sweater?

If you bleach a red sweater, the resulting color may be a lighter shade of red, pink, or white, depending on the type of dye used in the sweater. Bleaching may also weaken the fabric or cause yellowing. It is recommended to spot test a hidden area before attempting to bleach the entire sweater.

What color are Papa Smurfs clothes?

=RED =

Why did you segregate the white clothes from colored?

For basically two reasons: white clothes are bleached most of the time. But in the case where bleach isn't used, the color from the colored clothes could bleed onto the white clothes, discoloring them.

Can bleach turn urine red?

No, bleach does not turn urine red. Urine may turn red due to various reasons such as blood in the urine, certain medications, or medical conditions like urinary tract infections or kidney stones. If you notice red urine, it is best to consult a healthcare professional for an evaluation.

What are two caracteristics about bormine?

a brownish-red color and a bleach-like odor

What color goes with red and brown clothes?
