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you would need a girlfriend this is all fake so dont use it ok retareds

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Q: If you went to mars what would you need to know?
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If you went to mars what would you study?

I would study earth.

If you were 11 and then went to Mars how old would you be there?

You would be the same age.

If you weighed 1001 lbs on earth what would you weigh on Mars?

Weight depends on the gravitational pull of a planet. On Mars, which has about 38% of Earth's gravity, you would weigh about 380 lbs.

Whats Mars revolution?

if i went to mars to check without being trained i would die

How did scientist know that it was water on mars?

Astronauts went to mars and had a interesting theory and had some proof and took tests

What modifications would be needed for a human to live on mars?

you would need to have spacesuits to go outside and life-support systems in your house.

What would you need to live in Mars?

on my position is to live on mars is not so hard like other planet does.because mars is very and very similar than earth, the most we have on the earth my we have them on mars. example like mountain,valley, desert, earth does all this things. i think to live in the mars is not very complicate like other does, like Venus we don't know what in there because no body went there before. but a mars some people went there is just like earth. but it takes a long years to get there, is 5 year to go and 5 years to come back. to go mars you would be 10 years a way to mars.. Respectful athie oumar

What would you bring to mars if you went there?

a phone and some food

What would happen if you went to Mars without a spacesuit?

You would likely die.

What would happen to a human if they went on mars with out a space suit?

the human will die beacause there is no air on mars

When was How We Went to Mars created?

How We Went to Mars was created in 1938.

Who went to Mars in the Mars expedition rover?

No one went to Mars. It was an unmanned robotic expedition.