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Life is a beautiful way where we as human beings can make our own music. We make this music by making the world a better place for others. We are the product of our own experiences, and if you can overcome the feeling of abandonment and realize your true specialness, you will be a source of inspiration and happiness to others. Life is short, make the most of it.

i was recently abandon by my parents they gave me all this food and they just left me in this house all alone and they said they were moving and i dont know what to do im only 11. so im kinda scared.

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Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist to process your feelings and develop coping strategies. Practice self-care and focus on building a strong support network to create a sense of belonging and love. Engage in activities that bring you joy and work on building a positive self-image and sense of self-worth. Remember that you are not defined by your past and that you have the power to shape your own future.

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Q: If you were abandoned by your parents how do you overcome this?
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she was abandoned by her parents

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no his father abandoned him

What is a sentence with abanded?

I think you might be thinking of abandoned, which means left behind. The baby bird was abandoned by its parents.

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Make a sentence using the word abandoned?

The word abandoned can be used in the following way. When our parents left us with our aunt we felt like we had been abandoned.

What effects do children have when there parents abandon then?

When children are abandoned by their parents there can be long term effects. The most common effect in abandoned children is difficulty in forming attachments in relationships throughout their lives.

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No they never abandoned him, they have always been there.

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No, Joan of Arc was not abandoned when she was a little girl. Her parents were Jacques Darc and Isabelle de Vouthon, and they lived in the town of Domremy.

Who has red hair and no parents and barks?

The answer to this question would be a dog. Dogs are the only animals that bark and if the dog has no parents that mean it was adopted or abandoned.