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if a cockatiel is 18 in human years, how old is it in bird years?

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Q: If your budgie is ten years in human years how old is it in bird years?
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Can you put a nine week old male budgie in with a six month year old budgie?

It should pose no problems as long as the other bird is a female.

How old should the bird be before starting him on human food?

they have to be 19 years old

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The girl budgie would attack the new boy budgie and not the old girl budgie because she is used to the other girl budgie and is not familiar to the new boy budgie.

How many years does a budgie live up to?

Usually 8, but if you take really good care they can be 15 or 16 years old.

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If a human is 3 years old, then a dog is 21 years old.

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In human years, a jaguar that is two years old is actually fourteen years old in cat years. This is because for every year a cat ages in human years they age seven in cat years.

If a cat is 3 years old what does that equal in Human life?

If a cat is 3 years-old. They are 29 years-old in human years.

Can you train a one-year old budgie?

Yes. I trained my one year old budgie last year to do tricks.

How old is your bird if you have had him five years?

it depends on how old he was when you got him.

How old is Sam Bird?

Sam Bird is 24 years old (birthdate: January 9, 1987).

How old is Brad Bird?

Brad Bird is 57 years old (birthdate: September 11, 1957).