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smooth and shiny with no visible grain.

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Q: Igneous rock that cools very quickly when it forms may have a texture that is what?
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Igneous rock that cools very quickly when it forms may have a texture that is?

Smooth and shiny with no visible grain.

Igneous rock that cools very quickly when it forms may have a texture that is .?

Smooth and shiny with no visible grain.

What rock cools on the surface?

Lava cools quickly and forms rocks with small crystals. They are called extrusive igneous rocks.

What type of texture forms from igneous rock cooling very quickly?

When lava cools quickly, the minerals in it form very tiny crystals which can usually only be seen under a microscope. To the eye, this results in a smooth appearance.

If lava cools to quickly that ions don't have time to arrange themselves into crystals will form what?

glassy texture, hope this helps :)

Write the difference between extrusive and intrusive igneous rocks?

igneous Extrusive is cool on the outside of the crust and cools quickly before crystal forms igneous Intrusive is cool on the inside of the crust and cools slowly and allowing crystal to form

What forms when volcanoes erupts and the lava cools?

the lave cools and forms igneous rock

When magma cools what type of rock forms?


What Forms when molten rocks cools and hardens?

Igneous rocks

What happens to magma as it cools?

It forms igneous rock.

How do igneous rock forms from lava?

The lava cools.

When melted rock cools it forms?

When melted rock cools, it forms igneous rock. The process of cooling allows the molten rock, also known as magma or lava, to solidify and form crystals. Igneous rocks can have different textures and compositions depending on how quickly or slowly the rock cools.