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You can have implantation bleeding from 3-7 days. Its usually lighter than your period and pink or brown in color. But, keep in mind every woman is different. So women actually confuse implanation bleeding with their period. I've heard of some women have actually had heavy bleeding and they thought it was their period, but i actually was implantation bleeding. I've also had this same experience with 1 of my pregnancies. Good luck:)

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Q: Implantation bleeding remains for how many days. I normally bleed 3-4 days and what is its color?
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How soon after you conceive can you get implantation bleeding?

Generally you will bleed ( 1/3 of pregnancies you get implantation bleeding) 6-12 days after fertilization.

If you bleed around the middle of your cycle can that be implantation bleeding?

It could be, yes.

How can you tell the difference between your period and implantation bleeding or what does it mean if you bleed lightly between your periods?

If you bleed lightly during your periods it is probably because you are ovulating. The difference between a period and implantation bleeding is that a period is heavier and lasts for longer and will need a tampon or sanitary towel, but implantation bleeding is light, not constant and only lasts about 1-2 days. You only need a pantyliner

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Most women don't cramp or bleed from implantation but it's always possible. It's also possible to have cramps with no bleeding.

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Is implantation bleeding more common in smaller women?

No, size has nothing to do with it, and some women have a bleed in one pregnancy and not in another.

Im pregnant and you were bleeding?

You don't say how far along you are or how much bleeding. Spotting is not uncommon and especially during implantation. If you are worried and bleed a lot contact your doctor.

Must you bleed during implantation?

No. With my first child I had not bleeding just cramping. So with this one I still have no bleeding just cramping.. so i will be waiting for another 2wks to test

Is it possible that since you only bleed when you pee its a sign of implantation bleeding its heavy but dont need a pad or tampon?

If you only have blood in your urine, that's more likely to be a UTI. If you only have blood that's noticeable when you wipe, it could be implantation bleeding (rare) or ovulation bleeding (more common).

You have your period and a pregnancy test showed positive?

Was the bleed like your normal period or was it more like spotting? What you could have experienced is what is called an implantation bleed, this could be the reason why the pregnancy test is positive. Implantation bleeding is a pink/brown vaginal discharge and it generally occurs around six to twelve days after ovulation and fertilization. The discharge will occur when the fertilized egg implants in the uterus. Usually if you test for pregnancy around the time that implantation bleeding occurs it will be a positive, however, if the bleeding is similar to that of your normal period it is unlikely to be implantation bleeding, it could be a sign that all is not well with the pregnancy as implantation bleeding is usually spotting, however, I am not saying that an implantation bleed cannot be like that of your normal period, so please do not worry. What I would suggest you should do is to see your family doctor as soon as possible as you will need a blood test to measure the actual amount of HCG....good luck.

Can an implantation bleed occur a week after you have your period?

Implantation bleeding is the result of the fertilized egg(s) implanting itself into the uttering lining which results in bleeding and occasionally abdominal cramping. This form of bleeding takes place six to twelve days after ovulation. ( A females ovulation generally takes place 14 days before her period). There will not be a large amount of blood, some women may not even notice any. Implantation bleeding only lasts a couple of days, this is the way to compare and contrast the difference between implantation and menstrual bleeding. You must keep in mind though that not everyone will experience implantation bleeding.

Bleed anti lock brake's?

Bleed them just like you normally would. It is no different than bleeding any brake system.