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Not only was it just Napoleon, but all pigs have abused their power simply by taking advantage of the other animals with there smarter beings. Towards the end of the novel, most of the animals have come to realize the tyrant Napoleon really is but cannot stand up to argue as Napoleon's power has grown to such an extent that almost everyone fears him, even humans.

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If the people does not acknowledge your act as wrong, are you doing anything wrong? He never does anything wrong because the animals never object. He just does what he wants to do without consequences.

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he cuts the other animals rations in half to feed the other pigs

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Q: What happened to napoleon in the end of animal farm?
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In animal farm who does napoleon play cards with at the end?

Napoleon plays cards with Mr. Pilkington

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You should read the book. It's very good.

Does Napoleon die in Animal Farm?

"yes. my class just read that book in 9th grade lit." No he definitely doesn't. We are doing this book for GCSE, and the ending is the animals watching as Napoleon plays cards with humans. He remains very much alive, but he does die, I think, at the end of the film

Who was Napoleon in Animal Farm?

a pig Napolean was the leader pig that became a man at the end of the novel from being corrupt by power. he was the head of the farm and organize the revolution.

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in the end of the book napoleon begins to walk like a human

How did power affect the pigs and especially Napoleon in animal farm?

It corrupted them to the extent that the other animals at the end of the book had trouble telling the pigs from the humans.

When did Muskingum County Animal Farm end?

Muskingum County Animal Farm ended in 2011.

What is the name of the farm at the end of Animal Farm?

After first being named Manor Farm, then Animal Farm, the farm eventually ends up being named The Manor Farm.

When do the animals become in charge of the farm in Animal Farm?

Near the end of the novel

What are examples of Corruption in Animal Farm?

-napolean and the pigs breaking the commandments -execution of the animals -end of the book where animals cant tell difference between Napoleon and Pilkington hope that helps :D

What do the pigs represent in Animal Farm?

The pigs of Animal Farm were an allegory of the leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 in Russia led by Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin.Just as Mr. Jones was treating the animals unfairly, the revolutionists claimed that the leaders of the Russian Provisional Government was treating them unfairly. The Rebellion in Animal Farm satirized the Bolshevik Revolution.When the revolutionists defeated the Russian Provisional Government, the leaders established the Soviet Union and created a communist government, stating that all that were with the Union were equal. This is represented in Animal Farm by the animal's takeover of Mr. Jones' farm and creating their own set of rules where "all animals are equal".With the establishment of the Soviet Union, the revolutionists, Trotsky and Stalin, were proclaimed the leaders, just as the pigs, especially Snowball and Napoleon, were the leaders of Animal Farm. Trotsky, who is represented by Snowball was slowly gaining more trust from the public which aroused suspicion in Stalin, who is represented by Napoleon. Stalin decides to exile Trotsky by making the public believe Trotsky was against them. This is analogous to Snowball being chased off by Napoleon and his guard dogs in Animal Farm.With Snowball and Trotsky removed, Napoleon and Stalin were declared the sole leaders of Animal Farm and the Soviet Union, respectively. Through a series of plans, both the governments of Animal Farm and the Soviet Union turn corrupt, treating their followers poorly and brutally. In the end, under the rule of Napoleon and Stalin, Animal Farm and the Soviet Union become exactly what they were rebelling against in the first place.

Who are the animals in charge of Animal Farm?

Napoleon, the BIG PIG, and his lieutenant , Squealer , all other pigs being superior to the other animals, and the dogs were the serveants and guards of all pigs, but primarily, Napolean .