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It is called a side reaction.

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Unwanted reactions that use up reactants without producing the desired product are called side reactions or side products. These reactions can reduce the overall yield of the desired product and complicate the purification process.

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Q: In Chemistry unwanted reactions that use up reactants without making the desired product are called?
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What is stoichimetry?

Stoichiometry is the branch of chemistry that deals with the quantitative relationships between reactants and products in chemical reactions. It allows us to determine the amount of each substance involved in a reaction, based on the balanced chemical equation. By using stoichiometric calculations, chemists can predict how much of a product will be formed or how much reactant is needed.

Why is stoichiometry useful?

Calculating the mass of a product from the number of moles of reactants APEX

Who uses stoichiometry?

Stoichiometry is used by chemists, biologists, and engineers to determine the quantities of reactants and products in a chemical reaction. It is an important tool in the field of chemistry for calculating precise amounts of substances needed for a desired outcome in a reaction.

Why exact stoichiometry of reaction is important in condensation polymerization?

The exact stoichiometry is important in condensation polymerization to ensure that all reactants are fully consumed, leading to a high yield of polymer product. Any deviation from the stoichiometric ratios can result in the formation of unwanted by-products or incomplete reactions, reducing the purity and properties of the resulting polymer. Precise control of stoichiometry is crucial for achieving the desired molecular weight and properties of the polymer.

Meaning equimolar quantities?

Equimolar quantities refer to having the same number of moles of different substances in a reaction or mixture. This ensures that the reactants or components are present in stoichiometric proportions, which is important for achieving desired chemical reactions or properties. Equimolar mixtures can help in accurately predicting the outcomes of chemical reactions.

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Why do reversible reactions not go to completion?

Usually because the reactants and products all remain in contact. If one of the products can be removed you can sometimes drive the reaction in the desired direction.

What part of speech is the word unwanted?

The word "unwanted" is an adjective. It describes something that is not desired or not wanted.

What are the applications of analytical chemistry in industries?

Applications of chemistry in industries are vast and expansive. Chemistry is required for a wide range of industries such as cosmetics, nanotechnology, synthetic material, and the list goes on and on. The reality of the situation is that many new products whether it is a new drug or a new lubricant, the chances are that it was a product of new applications of chemistry.

How does AC line noise create problems?

By adding unwanted voltage to the desired signals.

What is stoichimetry?

Stoichiometry is the branch of chemistry that deals with the quantitative relationships between reactants and products in chemical reactions. It allows us to determine the amount of each substance involved in a reaction, based on the balanced chemical equation. By using stoichiometric calculations, chemists can predict how much of a product will be formed or how much reactant is needed.

Why do chemists use compounds intead of elements?

Because the compounds have the desired properties, effects and reactions.

How does temperature influence a chemical change?

Tempreture affects equilibrium in such a way dat when the tempreture of the reactants is high the rate of the foward reaction will be faster than the rate of backward reaction this is mainly due to the simple factor that when at high tempreture atom are at very high motion this there for increases there reactive factor .This also aplys to the products as they can also react to form reactants hence tempretures are kept constant or favouring the formation of desired products.

How do you calculate the atom economy?

Atom economy or atom utilization is simply the Mr or molecular weight of desired product formed divided by the Mr of all the reactants. Say we have a reaction A + B -----> C C + D ------> E AU = (Mr of E/(Mr of A + B + C)) x 100

What is plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition?

In chemical vapour deposition (CVD) reactants (as vapours) are induced to react or decompose chemically, leaving the desired material as a film on a substrate. The rates of some reactions may be increased in the presence of a plasma adjacent to the substrate. For more information see the wikipedia article about chemical vapour deposition.

Why do you think it is important that enzymes have such a precise fit?

In order to produce specific results (only the desired reactions).

What is bronze in chemistry?

Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin, in varying proportions, depending on the desired properties of the alloy. Also, the color named for the metal.

Does a catalyst inhabit a reaction?

Only if there is a desperate housing shortage! More seriously, a catalyst for a desired reaction can function by inhibiting competing reactions.