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Ender first enters Salamander Army, and then gets traded to rat army, and then Graff sends him to an army that ender commands Dragon Army. In Dragon Army Ender meets a kid named Bean.

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Q: In Ender's Game what is the first team ender goes in?
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Why is Petra Arkanian exactly the wrong kind of friend to have in the book enders game?

Petra Arkanian is considered the wrong kind of friend to have in "Ender's Game" because she cares too much for Ender and challenges his isolation and detachment, which goes against the military's goal to isolate him and mold him into a ruthless commander. Her friendship distracts Ender from his training and causes him to question his identity and purpose in the program. Ultimately, Petra's influence threatens Ender's ability to fulfill his role in the military's plan.

Does ender in the ender's game books die?

bonzo madrid Answer Bonzo Madrid and Stilson are killed by Ender (unintentionally) in Ender's Game. Ender is tricked by Hyrum Graff and Mazer Rackham into killing the entire species known as the Formics or 'buggers'.

What are the 3 main ideas of the first book of enders game and for the themes what is the universal statement that the author wants to communicate?

There is no single novel that goes by the title you have mentioned.

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Georgiana Enders goes by Georgie.

What is the signafcance of the title 'Enders Game'?

The title "Ender's Game" refers to the protagonist Ender Wiggin and his role in a simulated war game that turns out to have real-world consequences. It symbolizes the idea of manipulation and control, as Ender is unknowingly being trained to lead humanity in an actual battle against an alien race. The title also alludes to themes of strategy, deception, and the moral implications of using child soldiers in conflicts.

What is the resolution of Ender's Game?

In "Ender's Game," the resolution involves Ender finding out that the battles he thought were simulations were real, and the alien race was actually defeated by using a devastating weapon. Ender then goes into self-imposed exile and tries to make amends for his actions, ultimately finding a new home for the alien species.

What's five quotations that relate to the overall theme of the novel enders game and explain the important development in each quotation?

There is no novel that goes by such a name.

What is the order of the Ender's Games book?

The order of the Ender's Game series by Orson Scott Card is: Ender's Game, Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, Children of the Mind, Ender's Shadow, Shadow of the Hegemon, Shadow Puppets, Shadow of the Giant, Shadows in Flight, and The Last Shadow.

What is the setting of Ender's Game?

"Ender's Game" is set in the future, where humanity is preparing for an anticipated third invasion by an alien species known as the Formics. The story takes place primarily at Battle School, a military training facility in orbit around Earth, and later at Command School, as the protagonist, Ender Wiggin, undergoes intense training to become a fleet commander.

What was chapter 9 about in the book Ender's Game?

In chapter 9 of "Ender's Game," Ender enters Salamander Army under the command of Bonzo Madrid. Bonzo feels threatened by Ender's talent and sets him up for failure, leading to a confrontation between them. This chapter showcases the challenges Ender faces in social dynamics within his army.

Who goes first after winning chess game?

White always goes first.

How was the conflict in enders game resolved?

Dear Asker, I sincerely think you should just read the book, it is... magnificent. Orson Scott Card (the author) did such a good job, but when people hear about how it has aliens in it coming to destroy earth, they back out. ****SPOILER ALERT FOR ENDER'S GAME**** In the end of the book, Ender is sent to an academy on a planet named Eros. It is very small and dark. He plays a game, very realistic where he can see everything in three dimension. He has ships, and the enemy too. And so every time, Ender manages to win the level and gain entrance to the next one. After a while, he became a little crazy, didnt sleep much and didnt have a lot of human contact. One day, a couple of Earth's leader came to see Ender play. Mazer Rackham (his mentor) and Hyrum Graff (his other mentor) told him that this was the last level. He put on the microphone and "played" the game with his friends from battle school (including Bean, Hot Soup, Petra...) At the end of the battle, Ender released a scientifically engineered bomb with the capability to destroy a planet. The bomb fell on the buggers (or formics) home planet, and destroyed the planet, along with every alien ship. Ender then sees all the Earth dirigents crying and praying to their gods, huging each other. Thats when Mazer tells him nothing was a game, it was all real, the war ended and Ender became a colonist with his sister. He then goes to another world called Shakespeare in the second book. Hope it helps, <(") Skba (")>