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Q: In France Spain and Britain many villages are disappearing?
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Which countries withheld recognition of the confederacy after the emancipation proclamation?

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Britain, Spain, and France were potential enemies.

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France and Great Britain France and Great Britain

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Because the Romans did not stay in Britain for as long as they stayed in France, Spain or Italy.

What countries were at war with each other in Europe in 1809?

Spain and Britain

What country did France and Spain protect from invasion?

France and Spain both protected the United States from Great Britain. The alliance with France (Treaty of Alliance) was signed in 1778, after which Great Britain declared war on France, and Spain entered the war soon after as the ally of France.

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Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Great Britain, and France.

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The first counties to establish colonies in America were Spain, France, and Great Britain

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Great Britain, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Denmark, France, Russia, Spain, and Portugal.

What three countries claimed land in North America at the end of the seventeenth century?

9 European nations claimed land: Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Great Britain, and Russia all claimed land in North America.

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Spain and Portugal. It fought Britain, Spain and Portugal.

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