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In France do women kiss when greeting?

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Q: In France do women kiss when greeting?
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How do people in France great each other?

men shake hands. Women (and men greeting women) kiss on the cheek. How many times depends on region and class. In Paris, it's usually two kises – one kiss each side. In Lower Normandy, you get four. The process is repeated on parting.

Is La bise is a popular dance in Sénégal?

False. La bise is a greeting kiss in France.

What does bise mean in french?

'une bise' is a light kiss that is given on cheeks as a greeting in France (that is, for family or friends)

What are facts about buenos aires?

The greeting in Buenos Aires, is to kiss the person you are meeting on the cheek.Men have to kiss woman vise versa. Men have to kiss men. Women have to kiss women.Even if it is the first time meeting them.

What is the definiation of kiss?

Kiss- to touch with your lips as a touch of greeting or affection.

What is the kiss on both cheeks called in french?

The kiss on both cheeks in French is called "la bise." It is a common form of greeting in France and other French-speaking countries.

Why do the French kiss each other three times on the cheeks?

Kissing on each cheek is the customary way of greeting in France, just like how Americans shake hands or hug.

Is it just normal for Italian citizens to kiss in public?

Kissing as in greeting with a kiss, yes. Kissing as in making out, no!

What is the proper salutation for multiple women when greeting in person?

When greeting multiple women in person I would say "Hello ladies".

Should one kiss once or twice when greeting?

It depends on the culture.

Do eskimos really kiss with their noses?

The 'eskimo kiss' comes from a traditional Inuit greeting called a 'Kunik'. New Zealand Maori also have a traditional greeting that involves the touching of noses, called a 'hongi'

Do the French call a French kiss a French kiss?

They don't. Americans call it a French kiss and the French call it a kiss.