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During the meeting in chapter 5 the littlun Percival Wemys Madison was asked to tell the assembled boys about the beast. Percival began to cry and once he started he would not stop, then the rest of the littluns began to join him. Maurice distracted them by pretending to fall off the springy log, which the boys called the twister. He clowned badly and rubbed his rump but he made the littluns laugh and as a result they were eventually able to persuade Percival to speak.

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Maurice pretends to be the beast by sneaking up on one of the boys and scaring him. This demonstrates the boys' growing primal instincts and fear of the unknown on the island.

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Q: In Lord of the Flies what does Maurice pretends to do?
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What does maurice pretend to be chapter 4?

In chapter 4 of "Lord of the Flies," Maurice pretends to be a pig by crawling on all fours and grunting. This playful act escalates into a dangerous situation when other boys start throwing rocks at him, symbolizing the cruel and savage behavior that emerges in their society.

Who pretends to be the pig in the pig dance in Lord of the Flies?

Roger pretends to be the pig in the pig dance in "Lord of the Flies." He acts out the role during the boys' reenactment of the hunt, revealing the dark and violent nature that lurks within him.

Who knocks over the sand castle in lord of the flies?

Roger and Maurice.

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Lord of the Flies who knocks over the sand castle?

roger and maurice i believe...

What does Maurice in lord of the flies pretend to be?

Sorry, guys but I think it's the pig

What does Maurice pretend to be?

In Lord of the Flies, the fictional character Maurice is pretending to be a pig. He does this to celebrate the killing of a real pig that he and his friends slaughtered.

Who is the make believe boar in the mock pig hunt in lord of the flies?

it's maurice

In chapter 8 of lord of the flies where do maurice bill and roger go?

To the mountain to search for the beast.

What are some bad things that maurice did to you lord of the flies?

Maurice is not depicted as doing particularly malicious things in "Lord of the Flies." He mainly follows the lead of other characters, such as Jack and Roger, and participates in acts of violence and aggression. Maurice does display a tendency to give in to the darker impulses of the group, particularly when they are hunting or tormenting others.

In Lord of the Flies who is maurice?

the guy who accompanies jack along with Robert to steal fire from Ralph's group