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No, when the main character gets a chance to have him caught she rather used it to have her first kiss. later on he dies by slipping on ice and falling off a cliff.

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Q: In Lovely Bones does Mr. Harvey get caught?
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Mr Harveys age from the lovely bones by Alice sabold?

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Yes, in "The Lovely Bones," Mr. Harvey's house used to be the Salmon family's house. After Susie Salmon's murder, Mr. Harvey moves into the neighborhood and lives in the very same house where he committed the crime.

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The charm symbolizes Susie. It is what she was wearing when she died,and it haunts Mr. Harvey to even look at it.

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Yes, Mr. Harvey is responsible for Holly's murder in the book "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold. Holly is one of Mr. Harvey's victims, along with Susie Salmon.

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I'm not sure about his other victims but he took a charm from Susie's charm bracelet.

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The girl in the lovely bones dies when Mr. Harvey rapes her, because he chopped her up into pieces. He also throws her in a ditch so no one nows where susie is and he keeps her special charm bracelet

Did they catch susie salmons murderer?

The Lovely Bones is the story of Susie Salmon, who is raped and killed when she is only fourteen by the serial rapist and killer Mr. Harvey. In the related links below, I posted a summary.

In the lovely bones why does the man kill all the girls?

In "The Lovely Bones," the man, Mr. Harvey, is a serial killer who targets young girls. He is driven by a compulsion to harm and control his victims, reflecting his twisted psychological state. His actions stem from a combination of personal demons and a desire for power over vulnerable individuals.

Who is the murderer in the lovely bones?

In "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold, the murderer is George Harvey, a neighbor of the protagonist, Susie Salmon. Harvey lures Susie into an underground shelter where he kills her, beginning the events of the novel. Harvey is ultimately revealed as the murderer through Susie's observations from the afterlife.

Who are the main characters of lovely bones?

The main characters in "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold are Susie Salmon, the teenage girl who is murdered and narrates the story from the afterlife; her family, including her father Jack, mother Abigail, and sister Lindsey; her murderer, George Harvey; and Susie's friend, Ruth.