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In scene 3 of Macbeth, the Porter/doorman is drunk. They have been up drinking until three in the morning.

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There are five scene threes in the play. I guess it isn't the one in Act IV, but otherwise you need to be more specific.

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Why is Macbeth so cocky in act 5 scene 3?

Macbeth's cockiness in Act 5, Scene 3 is a result of his overconfidence stemming from the witches' prophecies. He believes in his invincibility due to the ambiguous nature of the prophecies, particularly the one about "none of woman born" being able to harm him. This false sense of security leads him to underestimate the threat posed by Macduff, ultimately contributing to his downfall.

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There are two murderers in act 3 scene 3 in Macbeth.

How many murderers are there in scene 3 of Macbeth?

there are 3

Who killed banquo in Macbeth?

Act 3 Scene 3 :)

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In Act 3, Scene 1 of Macbeth, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth exhibit a mixture of apprehension, ambition, and a growing sense of paranoia. Macbeth is increasingly consumed by his guilt and fear of losing power, while Lady Macbeth struggles to maintain control over their destiny despite their mounting troubles.

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In the beginning scene of Macbeth, three witches gather to discuss their future plans, including meeting Macbeth.

Who was the gatekeeper in Macbeth?

The gatekeeper in Macbeth is a minor character who appears in Act 2, Scene 3. He is responsible for opening the gate of Macbeth's castle at Dunsinane during the night Macbeth murders King Duncan. The gatekeeper serves as a comic relief character in the play.

When did the Macbeth myth end?

The Macbeth myth finally ends in Act 3 Scene 8, where he is slain by Macduff (who was born of caesarian section- "ripp'd untimely from his mother's womb"- and therefore able to kill Macbeth without disregarding the prophecy, "for none of woman born, shall harm Macbeth"). The last scene of Macbeth, Act 3 scene 9, simply shows the stark contrast between the different kings and how everyone became happy that the Macbeth Myth had ended.

What is the external conflict of scene 3 act 1 in Macbeth?

In scene 3 of act 1 in Macbeth, the external conflict arises between Banquo and Macbeth when they encounter the three witches. The witches make prophecies that spark jealousy and ambition in Macbeth, leading to a power struggle between the two friends as Macbeth becomes consumed by thoughts of becoming king.

What scene does Macbeth become thane of cawdor?

Macbeth becomes Thane of Cawdor in Act 1, Scene 3 of the play "Macbeth" after the previous Thane of Cawdor is executed for treason. King Duncan orders the title to be transferred to Macbeth as a reward for his bravery and loyalty in battle.

Good sir why do you start and seem to fear things that do sound so fair?

Macbeth- Act 1, Scene 3- Banquo says this to Macbeth because the witches just told MAcbeth he is the Thane of Cawdor and the Thane of Cawdor is still alive.

Why do the kings appear in Act 4 Scene 1 of 'Macbeth'?

That the witches' prophecy of Banquo as the ancestor of a long line of kings is fulfilled despite his murder is the reason that the kings appear in Act 4 Scene 1 of the play "Macbeth."Specifically, the kings are conjured up by the witches when Macbeth (d. August 15, 1057) comes to visit in Act 4 Scene 1. In Act 1 Scene 3, the witches predict that Macbeth will become king and that his best friend Banquo will be the ancestor to kings though not a king himself. In Act 3 Scene 3, Macbeth arranges to have Banquo killed. Act 4 Scene 1 shows that Macbeth find success in killing Banquo, but not in stopping Banquo's royal line.