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Jane identified John when he was peeing on the land, his video was captured, she later saw his video, his face was not visible, she DID NOT identify him by the shoes, she inditified him by the shaking of the leg that was in fact the exact same shake that her husband did after going pee.thats how she knew that it was her husband John Smith.

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Q: In Mr and Mrs Smith how did Jane Smith identify john?
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Yes, of course.Some widows will wish to continue to be addressed as Mrs. John Smith, some as Mrs. Jane Smith ,or some as Ms. Jane Smith. It is up to the widow to indicate how she wishes to be addressed .

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Dr. John Smith and (Ms., Mrs., or Dr.) Jane Smith

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It is easier to address 2 married doctors if the woman has kept her maiden name - e.g.; Dr. John Smith Dr. Mary Jones However, if this is not the case, the following is equally appropriate: Drs. John & Mary Smith It may be appropriate to say "Dr. & Dr. John & Mary Smith," but, in my opinion, it's not as tidy.

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The man's; Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, Mr. and Ms. John Smith, Mr. John Smith and Miss Jane Jones.

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