

Best Answer

Technically yes.

In Order ...

Moon, Mercury, Mars, Tuxedo, Jupiter, Venus, Urnaus and Neptune, Mini Moon, Pluto, Saturn, Star fighter, Star maker, Star Healer and Glaxia.

That's the exact order all of the scouts appear..

if you wanna count the starlights and Glaxia as scouts like I do... there are 4 other scouts after Saturn...

if you wanna only count the inner and outter sailor scouts than No, there is no one after Saturn she is the last to arrive.

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Q: In Sailor Moon was there anyone after sailor saturn?
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Sailor Moon helps Sailor Saturn defeat Pharaoh Ninety in episode 125 which is part of the third season of the series Sailor Moon S

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Yes. She isn't in Sailor Moon much but she is still in it! :)

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No. Sailor Moon was able to defeat Pharaoh 90 with the help of Sailor Saturn.

What are the Sailor Scouts Blood Types?

B = Sailor Venus , Sailor Neptune , Sailor Uranus , Sailor Star healer A = Sailor Mercury , Tuxedo Mask , Sailor Saturn , Sailor Pluto , Sailor Star Fighter , Sailor star Maker O = Sailor Moon , Sailor Mini Moon , Sailor Jupiter , Sailor Mars

When does sailor saturn join the sailor scouts?

They find her in the last episode of Sailor Moon S, but when her and Sailor Moon fight off Pharoah 90 she is reborn as a child. In Sailor Moon Sailor Stars, she begins to grow, and eventually is a teenager in a few hours. She helps the Sailor Scouts from there on.

Is there 5 sailor soldiers in the Japanese Sailor Moon?

I've only seen a few episodes of Sailor Moon (but that was a long time ago...) but I remember seeing Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus. And then Later on I found out that there's a Sailor Saturn, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Pluto. You could also try typing in Sailor Moon on wikianswers and you should be able to find more information; or you could use a searc engine to find out more about the Sailor Moon.

The names of the sailors in sailor moon?

If you mean Sailor Moon, then you have these names: Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Venus, Sailor Chibi/Mini Moon, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Luna, Chibichibi, Sailor Starlights, and Sailor Cosmos. Then you have Popeye the Sailor Man.

Is there new sailor scouts?

There are actually 10 sailor scouts: Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Mercurey, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Who is a crew of sailors?

The inner sailors are: Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus The outer sailors are: Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Saturn. Also Tuxedo Mask helps, but he is not a sailor.

Is darian the prince of earth and sailor earth from sailor moon?

Yes.... he lives on Planet Earth and Planet Earth is a Planet. Darian is the Prince of the Moon. Darian is also a Sailor Scout and Tuxedo Mask. he dies but then lives again and then all the Sailor Scouts live. sailor Saturn,sailor Pluto,sailor Starlight Healer,Sailor Starlight Fighter,Sailor Starlight Maker,Sailor Moon,Sailor Uranus,Sailor Neptune and Sailor Earth live.

Who is sailor Pluto's love interest?

In the manga (and possibly the musicals) she seems to have a thing for King Endymion. I've seen people ship her with Sailor Moon, Sailor Star Maker, Sailor Saturn and Sailor Venus.

How do the individual Sailor Senshi and Tuxedo Mask rank in terms of intelligence?

In my opinion, I'd rank them as - Sailor Mercury Tuxedo Mask Sailor Pluto Sailor Neptune Sailor Uranus Sailor Saturn Sailor Mars Sailor Jupiter Sailor Venus Sailor Moon :D Sailor Moon and Venus are complete idiots most of the time haha! Especially when Minako mixes up her proverbs xD