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in what organizational pattern do you move back and forth between subject as you discuss different features

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Traquan Reaves

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4y ago

one aspect of two subjects before moving on to another aspect

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Q: In a comparison-and-contrast essay a point-by-point organization allows you to discuss?
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In a comparison and contrast essay a point by point organization allows you to discuss what?

A point by point organization allows you to discuss similarities and differences between two subjects in a systematic manner. By presenting each point of comparison or contrast individually, you can provide a clear and balanced analysis of the subjects, helping the reader to understand the relationship between them more effectively.

In a comparison-and-contrast essay a point-by-point organization allows you to discuss what?

A point-by-point organization in a comparison-and-contrast essay allows you to discuss similarities and differences between the two subjects systematically. Each paragraph focuses on a specific point, comparing or contrasting the two subjects directly. This structure helps readers to clearly see the similarities and differences between the subjects being discussed.

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It is a financial plan for how an organization will receive and spend money. The utility is that it allows performance evaluation of the managers while its limitation is that it does not give the employee the morale to work.

In a comparison and contrast essay a point-by-point organization allows you to?

in what organizational pattern do you move back and forth between subject as you discuss different features

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What organizational pattern do you move back and forth between subjects as you discuss different features?

The organizational pattern that involves moving back and forth between subjects as you discuss different features is known as the point-by-point pattern. This pattern allows for a more balanced presentation of information and helps to draw meaningful comparisons or contrasts between the subjects being discussed.

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Youtube allows you to watch, discuss and upload user-generated video content.

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The discussion page allows users to discuss a question without answering it.

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