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secondary consumers.

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Q: In a food web consisting of grass grasshoppers sparr ows and hawks the sparrows are?
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A food web in a New England forest?

your "question" is not a question to begin with. anyways, grass produces food. the grass is eaten by grasshoppers, mice and rabbits. grasshoppers are eaten by mice and toads. mice are eaten by snakes, hawks and owls. rabbits are eaten by foxes and coyotes. foxes are eaten by coyotes. snakes are also eaten hawks.

What is the food chain for the meadow?

In a meadow ecosystem, the food chain might start with grass being eaten by grasshoppers, which are then consumed by birds, such as sparrows. The birds may then be preyed upon by predators like hawks or foxes. Decomposers like earthworms may break down the remains of dead organisms, returning nutrients to the soil.

What are predators of sparrows?

hawks and other animals

What is an example of a 5-linked food chain from grasshopper to hawk?

Grass>Grasshopper>Frog>Snake>Hawk The grasshoppers eat the grasses, the frogs eat the grasshoppers, the snakes eat the frogs and the hawks eat the snakes.

What eat grasshoppers?

mice, hawks, & snakes

Are hawks and sparrows a like?

Alike only in that they are both wild birds.

Do hawks eat cardinals?

Yes, sometimes hawks are known to eat cardinals

Will hawks eat sparrows?

Accipiter hawks like the European sparrow hawk and the sharp shinned and Cooper's hawks of North America do, as does the falcon known as the kestrel.

What is the sparrow hawks prey?

The sparrow hawk, also known as the American Kestrel Falcon, (it's a falcon) has predators consisting of great-horned owls, red-tailed hawks, and other bigger birds, even crows and ravens. Some land mammals have been known to attack falcons, such as raccoons, bobcats, coyotes, and more.

Are sparrows and hawks omnivores?

Sparrows are primarily seed-eating birds that are omnivorous, meaning they also consume insects and small invertebrates. Hawks are carnivorous birds of prey that mainly eat other animals, such as rodents and smaller birds, and are not considered omnivores.

Do hawks grass?

no they hate it...

What carnivore eats eats herbivores?

lions eat zebras, Spiders eat grasshoppers, hawks eat rabbits, ect.