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Q: In a free market system producers are motivated to reduce costs and increase revenues because why?
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In a free-market system producers are motivated to reduce costs and increase revenues because of what?

The profit motive.

In a free market system producers are motivated to reduce cost and increase revenues because of?

The profit motive.

In a free-market system producers are motivated to reduce costs and increase revenues because of?

The profit motive.

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Profit Motive

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Friends, family members, or teammates can increase the likelihood of you reaching your goals because they can keep you motivated.

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if the they producers then my result will be the different because if mushroom increase then my experiment say decrease then it will be different

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price floors because, when binding, price floors increase price above the equilibrium and may increase producer surplus.

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A increase in supply will be because of an: Increase in technology, change in production climates (positive change), cost of production decrease or increase in number of producers,changes in the prices of other goods and services, subsides.

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The firm would raise the price because the firm's total revenues would probably increase.

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Most people are motivated by money. Others are motivated because they love their job and get a sense of fulfillment.

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harp seals are not producers because they don't produce things like the plant they are producers because the produce things.

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Because a high calving percentage is the incremental increase of cattle available therefore beef is at a higher availability.