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5d ago

Water serves primarily as a solvent in living cells where most molecules and ions are dissolved. Its unique properties, such as polarity and ability to hydrogen bond, allow it to dissolve a wide variety of substances necessary for cellular processes.

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Q: In a living cell which compound serves primarily as a substance in which most molecules and ions are dissolved?
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A solution is a compound that dissolved from another compound.

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Pure water is a compound, not mixture.

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The juice is a pure substance on its own, but lemonade is a mixture. So, i think in your case, Yes! Keira

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Water dissolved compounds are substances that have been fully dissolved in water, forming a homogeneous mixture known as a solution. These compounds can be inorganic salts, such as sodium chloride, or organic molecules, such as sugar. The solubility of a compound in water depends on its chemical structure and the interactions between its molecules and water molecules.

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When a compound is dissolved it is more referred to a solution of a compound. Compound and dissolved are not the same thing

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The state symbol (aq) signifies that the substance is in aqueous state, meaning it is dissolved in water. This is commonly used for solutions where the solute is dissolved in water.

What substance is a mixture of molecules?

A substance that is a mixture of molecules is called a compound. Compounds are composed of two or more different types of atoms bonded together in specific ratios. Examples of compounds include water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2).