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2w ago

In a metallic bond, the nucleus of one atom is attracted by the delocalized electrons in the electron sea formed by all the atoms in the metallic structure. This attraction allows the atoms to come together and form a stable structure held together by the strong electrostatic forces between the positive nuclei and the negative electrons.

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Q: In a metallic bond the nucleus of one atom is attracted by a near by atom's what?
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How many electrons in covalent bonds are attracted to the nucleus of just one atom?

In a covalent bond, each electron is attracted to the nucleus of both atoms involved in the bond. This shared attraction is what holds the atoms together in the bond.

When two atoms bond the positive Of one atom attracts the negative Of another?

When atoms bond, the negatively charged electrons from one atom are attracted to the positively charged nucleus of another atom. This attraction creates a bond by sharing or transferring electrons to attain a more stable electron configuration.

What type of a chemical bond would expect between a sodium atom and a sodium atom?

A metallic bond would be expected between two sodium atoms. In metallic bonding, electrons are delocalized and move freely between atoms, holding them together in a lattice structure. Sodium is a metal and tends to form metallic bonds with other sodium atoms.

An atom's nucleus contains what?

An atom's nucleus contains protons and neutrons, which are the subatomic particles that make up the majority of an atom's mass. The nucleus is the central core of an atom where these particles are located, surrounded by the electron cloud.

Most atoms are composed of electrons protons and neutrons. Which particles are found in the nucleus of a gold atom?

In the nucleus of a gold atom, you will find protons and neutrons. Gold atoms have 79 protons and varying numbers of neutrons, depending on the isotope. Electrons surround the nucleus in electron shells.

Related questions

How many electrons in covalent bonds are attracted to the nucleus of just one atom?

In a covalent bond, each electron is attracted to the nucleus of both atoms involved in the bond. This shared attraction is what holds the atoms together in the bond.

What type of atoms are found in the nucleus of an atom?

The nucleus of an atom CANNOT itself contain atoms.

Why large atoms are more likely to lose electrons?

In simplistic terms, an atom's electrons are held tot he atom because they are attracted to the positively charged nucleus. In larger atoms the electrons are farther away from that nucleus and there are usually more electrons in between, resulting in a weaker attraction.

Is atoms parts of a nucleus?

No, the nucleus is part of the atom.

Where are atoms stored?

In the atom's nucleus.

Where are electrons located in a atoms?

Electrons are located in specific orbitals surrounding the nucleus of an atom. They are negatively charged particles that occupy these energy levels, determined by the atom's atomic number and configuration.

Why is Nucleus the central atom?

a nucleus cant be a central atom. the nucleus is part of the atom. you are probably talking about why certain atoms are central atoms in a molecule and why some arent. the answer to that question is that the more electronegative atom will always appear as a central atom.

Where in a atom are protons found?

Protons are found in the nucleus of atoms along with the neutrons of the atom. The nucleus is always in the centre of the atom.

Why does electrons move around the nucleus and not away from atom?

Electrons are negatively charge and are attracted to the positively charged Protons in the nucleus of the atom

Do all atom nucleus have electrons?

All atoms have electrons, but not in the nucleus.

Can the nuclus be in an atom?

All atoms have a nucleus.

How are the atoms held together in sodium atom?

metallic bond