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While overall ENERGY has to be conserved, MASS does not. In a nuclear reaction mass can be converted into energy so the mass of the products may be less than the mass of the reactants. The difference in mass is converted into energy as Einstein's equation describes (E=MC squared).

In a chemical reaction MASS has to be conserved.

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āˆ™ 6y ago
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āˆ™ 2w ago

In a nuclear reaction, the mass-energy equivalence (E=mc^2) principle does not require strict conservation of mass due to the conversion of mass into energy.

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What quantities are conserved when balancing a nuclear reaction?

In order for a nuclear reaction to be balanced, there are quantities that must be conserved. The quantities are the atomic numbers and mass numbers of the particles involved in the reaction.

Iā€™m a nuclear reaction which of the following must be conserved?

In a nuclear reaction, mass and energy must be conserved. Nuclear reactions involve the conversion of mass into energy, following Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2, which states that mass and energy are equivalent.

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In a nuclear reaction, energy is conserved overall. This principle is reflected in the relationship between mass and energy as described by Einstein's equation E=mc^2, where the total energy remains constant before and after the reaction.

In a nuclear reaction mass must be lost to produce energy. true or false?

False. Both mass and energy are conserved.

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Energy and electrical charge are two quantities that are always conserved in nuclear decay equation.

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Yes, matter can be converted into energy through processes like nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, as described by Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2. This transformation releases a large amount of energy, which is utilized in nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons.

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The total amount of mass remains constant in a chemical reaction, according to the law of conservation of mass. This means that the total mass of the reactants will equal the total mass of the products formed in the reaction. Mass cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction, only rearranged.

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Energy is conserved in a chemical reaction, meaning the total amount of energy before and after the reaction remains constant. This principle is known as the law of conservation of energy.

What is always conserved in a chemical reaction?

In a chemical reaction, the total mass and the number of atoms of each element are always conserved. This is known as the law of conservation of mass.

When metamorphic rock melts and turns into lava is matter conserved?

Yes, this is a simple physical change and matter is always conserved in these. In fact, matter is always conserved except in nuclear reactions where the sum of matter and energy is conserved.

What is conserved during a reaction?

Both mass and charge