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0.2 Liters per hour... (apex;p)

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Bennie Schultz

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2y ago
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Q: In an experiment 4 liters of water was observed to evaporate 20 hours. what rate of evaporation was observed in this experiment?
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In an experiment 4 liters of water was observed to evaporate in 20 hours. what rate of evaporation was observed in this experiment?

0.2 Liters per hour... (apex;p)

In an experiment 4 liters of water was observed to evaporate in 20 hours what rate of evaporation was observed in this experiment?

0.2 Liters per hour... (apex;p)

What rate of evaporation was observed in this experiment?

The rate of evaporation observed in the experiment was 0.5 mL per hour.

About how many gallons of water evaporate off a large oak tree per day?

400 liters {105 gal}

How much is One pint of boiling water is how many cups or liters of boiling water?

1 Pint = 0.47 Liters It will most likely go down with time due to evaporation.

Tasha needs to measure 1.4 liters of liquid for an experiment How many milliliters of liquid will Tasha need?

Tasha will need 1400 milliliters of liquid for her experiment. This is because 1 liter is equivalent to 1000 milliliters, so 1.4 liters is equal to 1400 milliliters.

How long does it take for 4287200000000L of water to evaporate?

The time it takes for water to evaporate depends on factors like temperature, surface area, and airflow. In a typical scenario, it would take a very long time for 4287200000000L (or 4.2872 trillion liters) of water to evaporate completely, possibly months or even years.

What is the source of error mean in sceience?

In a scientific experiment, a source of error is something that could have caused you to obtain an incorrect result. Example: You are performing an experiment to see how much 30 liters of water weigh. If you accidently pour 32 liters of water when you meant to pour 30, that would be a source of error, because it would give you the incorrect result.

What is the unit of measurement for evaporation?

The unit of measurement for evaporation is typically expressed as a rate, such as millimeters per day, inches per hour, or liters per square meter per day. Evaporation rates can vary based on factors like temperature, humidity, and wind speed.

What units would you use to measure liquid volume in an experiment?

You would typically use milliliters (mL) or liters (L) to measure liquid volume in an experiment. These units are commonly used to describe the amount of space a liquid occupies.

How many liters of pure water must be evaporated from 60 liter of a 3 percent salt water solution to produce a solution that will be a 5 percent salt water solution?

Well, it's been awhile since I've done this but my answer would be 24 liters must evaporate to make a 5% solution. 60 * .03 = 1.8 ~ That's what you have. The 1.8 is how many liters of salt you have. 60 = x ~ Replace 60 with x. x * .05 = 1.8 ~ The percentage of salt is now 5 but you still have 1.8 liters. 1.8/.05=36 ~ algebra... 60 - 36 = 24 ~ Total minus how much will remain gives you the total that must evaporate. I know you could have followed them easily enough without the notes. They were more for me so I knew I'd done it correctly. :-) Hope it's right and .

How many liters are in 2 liters?

There are 2 liters in 2 liters.