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Rich Bobo

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Q: In an open system such as a campfire matter?
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Related questions

What type of system allows energy but not matter to enter and exit?

An open system allows both energy and matter to enter and exit. A closed system allows energy to enter and exit, but not matter.

What an open system?

A system that can exchange matter with its surroundings

Does an isolated system allow matter and energy to enter or exit?

No, an isolated system does not allow matter or energy to enter or exit. It is a closed system where neither matter nor energy can be exchanged with its surroundings.

How does an open system contrast with a closed system?

An open system allows for the exchange of matter and energy between the system and outside of the system. A closed system only allows the exchange of energy; not matter.

Is a system in which both matter and energy flow into and out of the system.?


What is the system in which both matter and energy flow into and out of the system?


What is a system in which both matter and energy flow in and out of the system?


What are the characteristics of an open system?

an open system is one that exchanges heat as well as matter with the surroundings.

What is an open system in enviromental science?

An open system is one that exchanges both matter and energy with its surroundings. For example, suppose Earth is a system and the universe is its surroundings. Earth is an open system, since it can exchange both energy and matter with its surroundings.

Is a computer an open system?

In an open System, matter can enter from or escape to the surroundings (Like a burning match)

When a system is exchanges energy with the environment outside the system it is called?

A closed system or an open system. An open can also exchange matter. An Isolated system can exchange neither.

In terms of matter is the biosphere a closed system or an open system?

The biosphere is considered an open system because it interacts with its surroundings through the exchange of energy and matter. It receives input of energy from the sun and cycles materials such as carbon, nitrogen, and water with other Earth systems.