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What Type Of Bird It Is Is A Ruffed Grouse.

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Q: In hatchet what type of bird are the foolbirds?
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Related questions

Is a ruffed grouse in the book hatchet?

Yes, a ruffed grouse is mentioned in the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen. It is a type of bird that Brian, the main character, attempts to catch for food during his survival in the wilderness.

What is a fool bird?

Foolbirds are not really called foolbirds they are called grouse. If you read the book hatchet you will find out why he calls them foolbirds.

What does Brian use the bow and arrow for in Hatchet?

He used the bow and arrow for the foolbirds and he used the spear for fish.

In the book hatchet what does brian use the bow-and-arrow for?

He used the bow and arrow for the foolbirds and he used the spear for fish.

What type of bird eats the berries in Hatchet?

thay don,t

What was brians secret in finding foolbirds in the book Hatchet?

Brian's secret in finding foolbirds in the book Hatchet was to imitate the distress call of a foolbird chick. This would cause the mother foolbird to come out in search of her chick, making it easier for Brian to hunt them.

Tomahawk is a type of what?

Classically a weapon that is a hatchet/axe type used primarily by native Americans. In more modern warfare the tomahawk is a rocket powered missile.

In the book hatchet what birds does brian see?

Fool bird

What does foolbird mean in the book hatchet?

A fool bird is a bird that has a razor shape beak, and they are small and round like a chicken.

What is the regular height of a Fool Bird in Hatchet?

six inches tall

What does Brian see while looking for foolbirds and how did he lobos it was there?


What type of plane was used in Hatchet?
