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Q: In how many ways can 14630 be written as the product of two factors?
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How many factors are in 9x4?

9x4 = 32*x4 has (2+1)*(4+1) = 3*5 = 15 different factors. When an expression is written out as the product of its prime factors in index form, the number of factors can be calculated as the product of each index increased by one.

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How many factor does the product 13 have?

Two factors.

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What factors affect product?

If the price of the product is very high, people are unaware about your product, promotion of the product is not proper, place where you sell your product are not correct etc. there are also many things which can cause the great impact on our product.

What are five factors of production?

Many factor tie into production but five factors of production are: product, capabilities, volume, safety, and sales.

How many times can you write the product 100 using two factors?

At least two.

How many fractors of 345?

As a product of its prime factors: 3*5*23 = 345

How many factors does the number 10 have?

The number 10 can be the product of 2 and 5, 1 and 10. This means that 10 has 4 factors. :]

How is the numerator of the product related to the factors?

The numerator is how many you have, and the factors are numbers that go into a number, so they are both parts of parts or fractions/decimals.

How many algebraic factors are there in the term 7xyz?

It's the product of 7 times y. So we have two factors here. We have a 7 and a y.