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the absorption of a free-moving neutron by the atom's nucleus

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aphr0dite chub

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4y ago
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3d ago

The nucleus becomes unstable in nuclear fission reactions due to the absorption of a neutron, which disrupts the balance between the strong nuclear force that holds the nucleus together and the repulsive forces between positively charged protons. This imbalance can lead to the nucleus splitting into smaller fragments, releasing a large amount of energy in the process.

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8y ago

The atom's nucleus is inherently unstable for certain configurations of number of neutrons and protons. The more unstable it is the shorter the half life.

In a chain reaction the capture of a free neutron causes an immediate instability of the capturing nucleus which then splits and releases to new neutrons.

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10y ago

The absorption of a free-moving neutron by the atom's nucleus

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Occurs when a large nucleus splits releasing energy and two smaller nuclei?

Nuclear fission is a process in which a large, unstable nucleus splits into two or more smaller nuclei, releasing a significant amount of energy in the form of radiation and kinetic energy. This process is the basis for nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons.

Types of nuclear reactions are?

There are two main types of nuclear reactions: fission and fusion. Fission is the process where a heavy nucleus splits into two or more lighter nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy. Fusion is the process where two light nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, also releasing large amounts of energy.

What type of nuclear reaction is used in modern day nuclear reactors?

Modern day nuclear reactors primarily use fission reactions, where the nucleus of an atom is split into smaller fragments, releasing large amounts of energy. Fission reactions are controlled in reactors to generate heat, which is used to produce electricity.

The process which describes the splitting of a large unstable atom into two intermediate size atoms and extra neutrons is called?

Nuclear fission. It is a process in which the nucleus of an atom splits into two smaller nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy along with additional neutrons. This process is commonly used in nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons.

What energy comes from changes in an atom's nucleus?

Nuclear energy comes from changes in an atom's nucleus, such as nuclear fission or fusion reactions. These processes release large amounts of energy in the form of heat and radiation.

Related questions

How is nuclear produced?

by nucleoli fission reactions

What happens to the nucleus?

Nuclear reactions, radioactive decay, natural fission

What happens to a nucleus of an unstable atom?

An unstable nucleus can undergo radioactive decay to become more stable. This can involve emitting radiation in the form of alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays. The decay process results in a transformation of the nucleus into a different element or isotope.

Nuclear reaction in which an unstable atomic nucleus splits into two roughly equal parts?


Do radioactivity nuclear reaction half life fission and fusion all connect?

Yes, they can all be connected. These disparate events are all nuclear events. They involve changes in the nuclei of atoms, and that's what connects them. Radioactivity is the "breakdown" of an unstable atomic nucleus. Nuclear reactions come in different types, but they are all nuclear reactions involving nuclei. Half-life is the term applied to unstable radionuclides to speak to how quickly the nucleus of the different ones will decay. Fission is basically the splitting of an atomic nucleus, while fusion is the fusion of subatomic particles into a new atomic nucleus, or the fusion of atomic nuclei to make a heavier atomic nucleus.

The splitting of a heavy nucleus is called?

The splitting of a heavy nucleus is called nuclear fission. This process releases a large amount of energy and is the principle behind nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons.

Reaction that involves a change in the nucleus?

Nuclear reactions involve changes in the nucleus of an atom, such as nuclear fission (splitting of a nucleus) and nuclear fusion (combining of nuclei). These reactions release large amounts of energy and are the basis for nuclear power and weapons. The products of these reactions can be different elements and isotopes.

What is the splitting of an atoms nucleus into two smaller nuclei is called?

nuclear fission

Is nuclear fission splitting two atoms apart?

In general, nuclear fission is the splitting of a single atomic nucleus. One atom with an unstable nucleus splits, either spontantously or perhaps because it has absorbed a neutron. Fission is a physics term applied to the action of the splitting of an atom, not the splitting or "separating" of two atoms.

What is it called when unstable nuclear atoms are split unto two?

either atomic decomposition or nuclear fission, fission being a uranium-235 or other such isotope having a slow moving neutron fired into it's nucleus.

Where can neutrons be found?

Neutrons are available in all element nuclei except hydrogen nucleus. It can be obtained through specific nuclear reactions and through nuclear fission.

Occurs when a large nucleus splits releasing energy and two smaller nuclei?

Nuclear fission is a process in which a large, unstable nucleus splits into two or more smaller nuclei, releasing a significant amount of energy in the form of radiation and kinetic energy. This process is the basis for nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons.