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Because Armpit smells and sweats the most in the armpits. That's how Theodore got his nickname.

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Q: In small steps how did armpit get his name?
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In Small Steps what was the boys name?

In small steps there areArmpit (Theodore) X-ray Kaira's stepfather & bodyguard

Who is Theodore Johnson in small steps?

He is the person that goes by the name of Armpit. I would know I am doing a book report for school.

Did armpit wear glasses in small steps?

no i don't think so

What job does armpit have in the book small steps by Louis Sachar?

by digging trenches

What is the point of view for small steps?

The point of view in "Small Steps" is first person, as the story is narrated by the protagonist Armpit. This perspective allows readers to directly experience Armpit's thoughts, feelings, and actions throughout the novel.

Is there a sequel to small steps?

"Small Steps" by Louis Sachar is a standalone novel and does not have an official sequel. However, some readers have noted that the character Armpit from "Small Steps" also appears in Sachar's earlier book "Holes."

What happens in small steps the book?

Armpit is X-rays freind from camp green lake

Holes what is theodore s nickname?

Theodore's nickname in Holes (both book and movie) is Armpit. Although in the movie, they make out that it is because he has bad armpit odour, it is actually because, while at Camp Green Lake Correctional Facility, he was bitten by a scorpian. He was actually bitten in the forearm, but the pain travelled up to his armpit. He started complaining about the pain in his armpit, and therefore he was nicknamed Armpit. This information was showcased in Louis Sachar's sequel to Holes: Small Steps. This story is intirely about Armpit, taking small steps to regain a usual life.

What does Armpit from small steps look like?

In the book "Small Steps" by Louis Sachar, Armpit is described as being a tall, skinny African American teenager with a shaved head and a scar on his cheek. He is also known for his calm demeanor and intelligence.

What are the main characters in the book Small Steps by Peg Kehret?

Armpit, Ginny, Kiara, X-Ray

Why do you suppose Jerome paisley had armpit tryout his baseball bat in the book small steps?

So Armpit's finger prints would be on the bat (Which was going to be the murder weapon if Jerome had succeeded in killing Kaira).

What are the main events in small steps?

"Small Steps" by Louis Sachar follows a character named Armpit who is trying to turn his life around after getting out of juvie. The main events include Armpit's struggles to stay on the right path, his job working at a concert, his encounter with a pop star named Kaira DeLeon, and dealing with unexpected obstacles that threaten his progress. Ultimately, the story revolves around second chances and the impact of small steps towards positive change.