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Q: In sunlight in trebizond street what are you not told about the narrator?
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What can be told by an objective narrator?

The facts of the story can be told by an objective narrator.

Can be told by an objective narrator?

The facts of the story can be told by an objective narrator.

Can you give me a sentence of narrator?

The Narrator told the story from her point of view.

Who is the narrator in Macbeth?

There is no narrator in Macbeth. It is a play told by the numerous characters.

What role does the narrator have?

the narrator is the person (or animal) that is telling the story. The author writes the story, but the story is told by the narrator.

Which is the best definition of point of view in fiction?

The perspective through which a story is told

Which statement is true about nonfiction A it is told by an omniscient narrator B the narrator inserts their presence into the story C the narrator presents a true story?

C. The narrator presents a true story. Nonfiction is based on real events and facts, so the narrator's role is to accurately present the information without inserting their presence into the story.

Who is the narrator of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?

the narrator of "teh adventures of tom sawyer" was told in the third person.

Who told the story of 'The Handmaid's Tale'?

The narrator is Offred, a Handmaid.

What told the Prologue in act 1 in romeo and Juliet?

The narrator

The narrator is always part of the story being told?

False. In literature, the narrator can be a character in the story (first-person narrator) or an outside observer (third-person narrator).

In Ender's Game is the narrator reliable or unreliable?

The narrator in Ender's Game is reliable as the story is told in a straightforward and objective manner without any indication of bias or manipulation.