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It was Copernicus.

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Jadon Zulauf

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Q: In the 1500s who developed the heliocentric explanation for the motion of the planets?
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In the 1500s who developed a heliocentric explanation for the motion of the planets?

It was Copernicus.

In the 1500s who further developed the heliocentric explanation for the motion of the planets?


What is the main different between the geocentric and heliocentric models of planetary motion?

in a heliocentric system earth and the other planets revolving planet's a geocentric system ,earth is at the center of the revolving planets

What is the difference between geocentric heliocentric and planetary motion?

Geocentric motion of planet is that in which earth is at the centre of the universe and all other planets revolving around it.Heliocentric motion of planets is that in which sun is the of universe and other planets revolving around it.In planetary motion all the planets includes Earth revolving around the Sun in their fixed orbit.

A fatal flaw with Ptolemy's model is its inability to predict the observed phases of?

the planets accurately. This is because Ptolemy's model relied on epicycles and deferents to explain the apparent retrograde motion of planets, which resulted in discrepancies with the observed phases over time. Copernicus later proposed a heliocentric model that offered a more accurate explanation for the phases of planets.

Which Austrian scientist develop laws describing the motion of planets?

Johannes Kepler developed the laws of planetary motion.However he was German not Austrian.

Which diagram best represents a portion of the heliocentric model of the solar system?

The planets in our solar system revolve around the sun

Which Austrian scientists developed describing the motion of planets?

Johannes Kepler developed the laws of planetary motion.However he was German not Austrian.

What caused Copernicus to challenge aristotles theories of planetary motion?

Copernicus challenged Aristotle's theories of planetary motion due to observations that didn't align with the geocentric model, particularly the retrograde motion of planets. Through his own observations and mathematical calculations, Copernicus proposed a heliocentric model where the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun, providing a simpler explanation for the observed phenomena in the sky.

What is helio centric model?

A heliocentric model is a model of the planets' movements that places the Sun at the centre of the Solar System. Copernicus's model published in 1543 was the first heliocentric model. It resembled the Ptolemaic model in respect of the circles and epicycles that were used to explain the planets' movements. Kepler's model published in 1609 was also heliocentric, but it used planar elliptical orbits for the planets, which follow Kepler's 3 laws of planetary motion. It is now the accepted model.

How can planet retrograde motion be explained by the Earth-center hypothesis By the Sun-center hypothesis?

In the Geocentric Hypothesis (Earth-centered), retrograde motion can only be explained by describing the motion of planets as complex, curlicue paths. In the Heliocentric Hypothesis (Sun-centered), retrograde motion is described as changes in relative motion as the Earth overtakes a slower-moving planet in an outer orbit, or is overtaken by a faster-moving planet in an inner orbit. In the Heliocentric Hypothesis, all planets move in more-or-less circular orbits at more-or-less constant speeds, but planets closer to the Sun move faster. Thus, the Earth can overtake and pass each of the outer planets, making them appear to move "backward" (retrograde) for a time.

The scientist who included three laws about the movements of the planets as part of his theory of the universe was?

Johannes Kepler was the scientist who included three laws of planetary motion as part of his heliocentric theory of the universe. These laws, known as Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion, describe the orbits of planets around the Sun.