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they were the nazi police force!

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Q: In the book called night Who were the ss men?
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How much is a 1996 Impala SS on Kelly Blue Book?

From the Kelly Blue Book website, a 1996 Impala SS for sale has an 8.5 out of 10 consumer ratings from 506 users. However on the KBB site the vehicle is currently unavailable for sale but its value on other price comparison sites $7,450.

What is the plural abbreviation of the word saints?

The abbreviation for 'saints' is 'Sts.' Example - Sts. Peter and Paul.

What is the connection between MS and SS?

SS - steamship; MS - motor ship.

SA is abbreviation for what country?

The abbreviation "SA" could stand for many things. One could be the city in Texas- San Antonio. That would be the most popular "SA" that comes to mind, but there are definitely many more. (edit) SA may also stand for the nazi extreemist paramilitary that preceded the SS, the SA were taken over by the SS in a conflict in Germany known as the "night of the long knives".

What does SS stand for?

The abbreviation "SS"S.S. in front of the name of a ship stands for Steamship.SS is often used in the US as an abbreviation for social security.SS in the context of the Holocaust and World War 2 stands for Schutzstaffel which, translated literally, means Protective Squad. (Orginally, it provided bodyguards for leading Nazis). As the literal translation conveys just about nothing to people who don't already know what it was, it is common to refer to it in English simply as the SS. It was the SS that was in charge of the Holocaust. The Nazis regarded the SS as an elite unit, the Party's "praetorian guard", with all SS personnel selected (in principle, anyway) on the principles of racial purity and unconditional loyalty to Führer and the Nazi Party.The SS military branch, the Waffen-SS, evolved into a second German army in addition to the regular German army, the Wehrmacht.

Related questions

Who war the SS men in the book Night by Elie Wiesel?

it means the past of the story

Why were the SS men called the SS men?

because they were men and they worked for the SS.

Who is Mengele in the book night?

he was the first SS officer to split the men into two groups of what they were capable of. in chapter 3

What happend to men as they travel if they are slow in the book Night by elie wiesel?

In the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel, men who were slow or weak during the forced marches were often trampled or killed by other prisoners or SS guards. Those who couldn't keep up were seen as a liability, and often faced brutal consequences. The harsh conditions and lack of compassion made it difficult for anyone who couldn't match the pace to survive.

Why did the SS leave the men on the train for so long in chapter 7 of the book 'Night'?

The SS left the men on the train for an extended period during chapter 7 of 'Night' as a means of control and punishment. They wanted to instill fear and assert their authority over the prisoners by subjecting them to harsh conditions and uncertainty. This tactic was used to dehumanize and weaken the prisoners both physically and mentally.

What happens after trains arrive at Birkenau in the book night?

The women are raped consistently by the SS.

How are the SS finally driven from Buchenwald in the book night?

By the Americans ____ Actually, there was a prisoners revolt at Buchenwald.

What did the ss officer say would happen to those who could not work book night?

He said they will be killed and sent to crematorium

What New Years gift do the SS give the prisoners in the book Night?


What happened to anyone who could not keep up with the march in the book night?

Those who couldn't keep up with the march in the book "Night" were either trampled by others or shot by the SS guards. They were considered a burden and a threat to the group's survival, so they were often left behind or killed.

What night was ernst rohm killed by the ss?

Night of the Long Knives

Can it be night in Pokemon heartgold?

yes, morning, day and night will be in HG/SS