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Judge Ford rembers all the scars and bruises on Sam and they were all on Sandy. And Turtle kicks Barney Northrup (who is also Sam Westing) and there is a bruise in the same place but on Sandy.

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14y ago
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1mo ago

The judge figures out that Sandy was Sam Westing in "The Westing Game" when he realizes that both names are anagrams of each other. He deciphers this clue while he is playing the game and trying to solve the mystery of Sam Westing's death.

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11y ago

She had kicked Barney Northrup in the morning, but Alexander McSouthers ended up having the sore shin. So then she suspected that Sandy and Barney were the same person. Also, the dead Sam Westing didn't look "dead" at all. He looked like a wax dummy, so he might as well been. And from the "four winds" in the will, Turtle discovered McSOUTHers, NORTHrup, WESTing. In the will, it says "the one who wins the windfall will find the fourth." There is also an east wind, so Turtle found out that Sandy McSouthers, Barney Northrup, Julian Eastman, and Sam Westing were all the same person. So she became Eastman's lawyer, and when she died she took all the estate he got from stock and therefore had the $200 million dollars.

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14y ago

Turtle figures out that Sandy is Sam Westing when she recognizes the limp that she gave Barney Northrup was reflected in Sandy. When she connected Barney and Sandy together, she realized that Sandy was also Sam Westing. Turtle is a very smart girl.

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12y ago

She solves the mystery by figuring out that Sandy McSOUTHers is Samuel WESTing, Barney NORTHrup, and Julian R. EASTmen. This proves that Samuel Westing just got plastic surgery to change himself and to get his revenge on his ex-wife or Mrs. Wexler. Using the clues, turtle manged to figure out his little riddle.

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Q: In the Westing Game how does the judge figure out that Sandy was Sam Westing?
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In the book "The Westing Game" by Ellen Raskin, Alexander "Sandy" McSouthers is revealed to be the identity of Samuel W. Westing, the eccentric millionaire who is presumed dead at the beginning of the story. Sandy McSouthers is a disguise created by Samuel Westing as part of his complex plan to determine his heir through a series of clues and challenges presented to a group of heirs he chose. Ultimately, Sandy McSouthers is revealed to be a central figure in the unfolding mystery of the Westing game.

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The judge thought the victim of Sam Westings revenge was George Theodorakis

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Sandy McSouthers' partner in the book "The Westing Game" is Barney Northrup.

Who persuaded judge ford to stay in the westing game?

Judge Ford was persuaded by Sandy McSouthers to stay in the Westing game by revealing important information about her past and personal connection to the other players. This revelation helped Judge Ford see the significance of the game and the impact it could have on her life.

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Sandy McSouthers is a mysterious character in "The Westing Game" who poses as a doorman at Sunset Towers. He is revealed to be the financially successful mistake of Sam Westing, one of the heirs in the game. Sandy serves as a crucial link to the Westing family, helping to unravel the mystery of the Westing game.

The Westing Game why does judge ford think sandy was sam westing?

Judge Ford initially suspects Sandy as Sam Westing because of Sandy's knowledge of chess and his connection to the Westing family through his friendship with Turtle, one of Sam Westing's heirs. Additionally, Sandy's behavior and mysterious past contribute to the suspicion surrounding him.

Does sam westing have a partner in the westing game?

Yes, Sam Westing does have a partner in "The Westing Game." His partner is Sandy McSouthers, who is later revealed to be a disguise that Sam Westing has assumed.

In the westing game does Sam Westing and Sandy McSouthers die?

no they are the same person