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Q: In the reading what is the cry S-t-e-a-m-boat a-comin'! an example of?
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What is the cry steam boat a coming and example of?

"The cry 'Steamboat a coming' is an example of onomatopoeia, where a word sounds like the noise it represents. It is often heard in literature or songs to evoke the sound of a steamboat approaching, creating a sense of anticipation or excitement for the listener."

Who turned steamboat depth of water cry into his writing name?

Mark Twain

In the reading, what is the cry "S-t-e-a-m-boat a-comin'!" an example of?

Dialect - APEX English 11

What does it mean when you cry while reading quran?

When you cry while reading the quran it means that you are really taking it seriously and it really means to you.

What is an example of a good war cry?

An example of a good war cry can be found in history and many have been repeated on film and in television programs. Die is one cry often heard on a battlefield.

What does Act on Que mean?

to act as soon as they say action for example if i say i can cry on que, when you say cry i can start to cry

Is cry an example of a long I or short I sound?

It is a long I, as is usually the case for consonant-Y words (by, fry, try).

Why do cats cry?

Cats somtimes cry if they r sad or lonley. but the most popular acasion is if your cat wants sex if the wine and cry at the age of 11-.............. months or years they are telling you they want sex they like thy mini to let of fumes to the male cats to let them no she wants them they will have it up to 7-............. times as much as they want they will cry all through the night and day. theese facts r true thanks for reading this x-x

Why does Opal's father cry?

Opal gave an example of her mom.

What are some animal names that begin with Ll in Spanish?

Llorar - Cry Lágrimas - Tears Lengua - Tongue Leyendo - Reading ((I am reading a book.)) Lectura - Reading ((The subject)) Ladrando - Barking [[Hope that helps c:]]

Is it normal to cry at your own poem?

Yes it is. Some authors write a poem so touching that they even cry (myself, for example)

Does Niger mean a boy's private?

No but who ever is reading ur mama is so ugly she mad an onion cry