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Q: In the temperature negative four is colder than negative one?
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Is -71 colder than -90?

No. -90 is colder. When temperatures are negative, the number indicates how far below zero the temperature is.

Is absolute temperature is same like absolute zero?

No, but they are related. Absolute zero is the coldest possible temperature. Absolute temperature is the temperature above this coldest possible temperature - i.e., how much hotter is it than the coldest theoretically possible temperature. Celsius temperature isn't absolute. It starts from the temperature of freezing water, and it needs negative numbers for anything colder than that. Fahrenheit temperature isn't absolute. It says that zero is 32 degrees colder than freezing water, and it needs negative numbers for anything colder than that. Absolute temperature starts from absolute zero. Nothing is colder than that, so absolute temperature is never a negative number.

Is negative 47 farinheight colder than negative 80 farinheight?

no, negative 80 is colder. negative 80 is more negative than -47 so -80 is colder

What is a neagitive integers?

Negative integers are integers that are less than zero. If the temperature is 17 degrees and it gets colder 22 degrees colder then it is minus 5 degrees. minus five is a negative integer.

Why is it possible to have negative values on the F and C temperature scales?

Temperatures can be MUCH colder than the Zero point on both.

Is -18 degrees Celsius colder than -25 degrees Celsius?

No -25 °C is colder than -18 °C

Which is colder -6 or -56?

Negative 56 degrees would be 50 degrees colder than negative 6 degrees.

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How is Jupiter temperature compare to earth temperature?

jupiter's temperature is way colder than earth.

What temperature is coldest neg 77 or neg 66?

-77c is colder than -66c -77f is colder than -66f