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1w ago

The base word in "belong" is "long."

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Q: In the word belong is the base word belong or long?
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What is the base word of lengthen?

The base word for lengthen is long > length > lengthen

Is the word base have long vowel sound?

No, the word "base" does not have a long vowel sound. The "a" in "base" is pronounced as a short vowel sound.

What is the base word of?


How many syllables does the word belong have?

Two (2) be - long

A picture of base?

No. All your picture of base are belong to us. No. All your picture of base are belong to us.

Are all your base really belong to us?

No, all our base really belong to chuck norris.

What are different ways to spell the word long?

Different ways to spell the word "long" include: prolong, along, belong.

How Do You Know What is Base -e?

Okay. So base e is like a long e on a base word. For instance, recieve is a base e word, but reclaim is not because it is base ai.

Choose the word that does not belong?

Choose the word that does not belong

What is french word for English word belong?

to belong is 'appartenir' in French.

Is iron belongs to base?

No, iron is not a base. Iron is a chemical element that is classified as a metal. It is commonly found in various minerals and is essential for many biological processes in living organisms.

What is the present tense word for belong?
