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Like a "j." Lon-jev-ih-tee

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Q: In the word longevity how is the g pronounced?
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How is the g pronounced in the word longevity?

It is pronounced with the "j" sound, as opposed the the "g" sound it the word "gate".

How is the g pronounced in longevity?

it's pronounced with a 'j ' sound

How is the word longevity pronounced?


Is the word Wegmans pronounced Wegm-ans?

No, the word "Wegmans" is typically pronounced as "Weg-manz."

How do you pronounce the word gimp?

The word "gimp" is pronounced with a hard "g" sound, like "g" in "goat." The "im" is pronounced like the word "him." So, it sounds like "gimp."

Does ages have soft g sound?

No, the word "ages" does not have a soft "g" sound. The "g" in "ages" is pronounced as a hard sound.

Does emergency have silent letter?

Yes, the word "emergency" has a silent letter "g". This means the "g" is not pronounced when saying the word.

How is the word 'geek' pronounced?

The G in Geek is pronounced like the G in girl, and not like the G in Giraffe. The rest of it is pronounced like Beak, Teak, or Leek. To sort of stretch out pronunciation, say: Guh-eeeeeee-k

How do you pronounce French word gigue?

"gigue" is pronounced as "zheeg" in French. The "g" is pronounced like the "s" in "measure", and the "u" is silent.

How do you pronounce gihon?

The word "gihon" is typically pronounced as "GEE-hawn".

How is 'Schengen' pronounced?

Sch is pronounced like sh in shame and the rest of the word is pronounced like e in red, n in nail, g in gap and en in beaten. Or, here is an alternative schengen is pronounced as sh eh n g uh n where, sh is pronounced as sh in shipeh is pronounced as e in petn is pronounced as n in nog is pronounced as g in gouh is pronounced as u in upn is pronounced as n in no

How do you say gif?

"Gif" is pronounced with a hard "G" like in "gift", not with a soft "G" like in "giraffe". So, it is pronounced as "jif".