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the law of conservation of energy says that the ball will never have as much kinetic energy as it originally had

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The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed. In the case of the ball, as it moves, its kinetic energy may be transferred to other forms of energy such as potential energy or thermal energy, but the total energy of the system remains constant. Therefore, the ball does not lose kinetic energy in violation of this law.

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Q: In this example the law of conservation of energy says that the ball never loses kinetic energy?
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In this example the law of conservation of energy says that the ball never loses kinetic energy true or false?

False. The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred or transformed. In the case of the ball, some of its kinetic energy might be converted into other forms of energy such as heat or sound as it interacts with its surroundings.

Where does lost potential energy go?

Lost potential energy is typically transformed into other forms of energy, such as kinetic energy, heat, or sound. For example, when an object falls from a height and loses potential energy, it gains kinetic energy as it moves faster. In most cases, the energy is still conserved according to the law of conservation of energy.

What relationship between the potential and kinetic energy as the objects rolled down the inclined plane?

As objects roll down an inclined plane, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. As the object loses height (potential energy), it gains speed and energy of motion (kinetic energy). The sum of potential and kinetic energy remains constant, in accordance with the law of conservation of energy.

How is potential energy transformed into kinetic energy?

Potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy when an object loses height and gains speed due to the force of gravity. As an object falls, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as the object's speed increases. This conversion is governed by the law of conservation of energy, where the total energy in a system remains constant.

Examples of law of conservation of mechanical energy?

An object sliding down a frictionless incline: as the object loses potential energy due to a decrease in height, its kinetic energy increases, demonstrating the conservation of mechanical energy. A pendulum swinging back and forth: as the pendulum moves from its highest point to its lowest point and back again, the total mechanical energy (potential + kinetic) remains constant, showing the law of conservation of mechanical energy.

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Can mass be transformed into energy and vice versa and if so why does this not follow the conservation of mass and energy?

Yes, mass can be transformed into energy and vice versa, as described by Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2. This does not violate the conservation of mass and energy, as the total amount of mass-energy in a closed system remains constant. The equation simply shows that mass and energy are two forms of the same thing, and can be interconverted under certain conditions.

As a pendulum swings energy is continuosly transformed between kinetic energy and?

potential energy. At the highest point of the swing, the energy is in the form of potential energy as it reaches its maximum height. As the pendulum swings back down, this potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy, reaching its maximum at the lowest point of the swing.

Suppose a falling object loses 7J of potential energy. How much kinetic energy will it gain?

From what I understand: PE - Potential Energy (mgh) KE - Kinetic Energy (1/2 mv2) If one dismisses the friction with air (conservation of energy), a loss of 7 joules for potential energy means a gain of 7 Joules in kinetic energy.

How can energy transform between potential energy and kinetic energy but still be conserved?

Conservation of energy means the Total energy is constant. So if an object loses a certain amount of potential energy it will gain an equal amount of kinetic energy ,and vice versa, so E = KE + PE doesn't change.

When a snowflake falls does it loses kinetic energy?

Yes, a snowflake will gradually lose kinetic energy as it falls due to air resistance and gravitational forces acting upon it. This will cause the snowflake's speed to decrease until it eventually comes to a stop on the ground.

What is the energy in an object about to fall?

The energy in an object about to fall is gravitational potential energy, which is based on its height above the ground and its mass. This potential energy will be converted to kinetic energy as the object falls, increasing its speed until it reaches the ground.

When you were holding the pendulum at the far end what kind of energy does it possess?

At the far end of its swing, the pendulum possesses potential energy, specifically gravitational potential energy due to its height above the resting position. This potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as the pendulum swings downward.

Does juice lose chemical energy or kinetic energy in a freezer?

In a freezer, juice loses kinetic energy as the cold temperature slows down the movement of its molecules. The chemical energy in juice remains constant unless it undergoes a chemical change, such as freezing or thawing, which can affect its molecular composition.

What happens when an object at a high elevation loses height?

When an object at a high elevation loses height, its gravitational potential energy decreases as it moves closer to the ground. This potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as the object accelerates due to gravity. The object's speed increases as it falls towards the ground until it reaches the ground or another surface.

What type of energy is when the motion of a skateboard?

A moving skateboard has kinetic energy. If it is moving down an incline, it also has potential energy that is converted to kinetic energy as it gains speed. If its moving up an incline, kinetic energy is converted to potential energy as it loses speed.

When an object loses kinetic energy due to a force of kinetic friction is the loss of kinetic energy transformed primarily into potential or thermal energy?

Kinetic friction is associated with thermal energy (and sound or light).

When a coin is dropped to the ground as the coin falls it loses potential energy and gains what kind of energy?

As a coin falls to the ground, it loses potential energy due to a decrease in height and gains kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion. This kinetic energy increases as the coin's speed increases during its fall.