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Jack and Rose met when Rose is planning to commit suicide by jumping off the back of the Titanic (because she did not want to marry her fiance). Jack convices her not to and then they began to talk

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Q: In tietanick how did rose and Jack meet?
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Where do Jack and rose meet in titanic?

They met on the ship Titanic of corse! Jack and Rose met when Rose is planning to commit suicide by jumping off the back of the Titanic. Jack convices her not to and then they began to talk

Was there a rose and Jack in Titanic?

yes there where a rose and jack on Titanic

How did jack and rose meet in the film titanic?

They meet at the back of the ship. Jack was looking at the stars then next you knew it here comes rose crying and trying to kill herself by going to jump off the ship but jack stoped her and saved her from falling over board.

Who are the main character in titanic?

In Titanic, the main characters are Rose, played by Kate Winslet and Jack Dawson, played by Leonardo Decaprio. The two meet by chance on the ship Titanic and the movie is about their love affair. Fantastic movie....

Was there really a rose and Jack on the titanic?

no there wasnt a rose and jack but there were people on board that were similar to them.

Who are Jack and rose?

Jack and Rose are fictional characters from the film "Titanic" (1997).

When was Baldy Jack Rose born?

Baldy Jack Rose was born in 1875.

When did cal find out about rose and Jack?

that rose hates cal. she loves jack.

Is jack and rose really go on titanic?

jack and rose were not on the real titanic.

After rose rescues jack from imprisonment cal and jack persuade her to board a lifeboat but jumps back on the titanic to be with jack who chases jack and rose down the decks by shooting at them?

Rose's fiancé, Cal Hockley.