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The Gospel of Mark was originally written anonymously. Papias, bishop of Hieropolis appears to have been the first to suppose that this Gospel was written by Mark, around 130 CE.
There are good grounds for believing that the author of Markwas not acquainted with a first-hand witness of the life of Jesus, so this would rule out John Mark as the author.

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8y ago

John Mark was universally known by the early church as the writer, hence the reason the book was later given this official name. The internal evidence all supports this, since the writer is well aquainted with details of the life of Jesus. Mark was an associate of the disciples and a co-worker with Peter.

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1mo ago

John Mark is mentioned in the New Testament in the books of Acts, Colossians, 2 Timothy, and Philemon. He was a companion of Paul and Barnabas on their missionary journeys.

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16y ago

John Mark is mentioned specifically in Acts (12:12; 12:25; 15:37, and 15:39) and is most likely also mentioned as Mark in 2 Timothy 4:11.

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