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A applicant can be employed at any pre-determine capacity. The applicant's employment capacity should be determined before employment verus after employment.

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Q: In what capacity is the applicant employed?
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What does Capacity in which you were employed mean?

Capacity in which you were employed means your role or title within that organization where you worked.

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The application must be endorsed by the state Senator of the district in which the applicant resides, or in the case of a nonresident employed in Pennsylvania, be endorsed by the Senator of the district in which the applicant is employed. In the event of a vacancy in a Senatorial district, the Senator of an adjacent district should endorse the application.

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Yes, a self-employed applicant may be eligible for a section 8 voucher. As with any other applicant, certifications are renewed every year at which time proof of income must be furnished.

How do you answer the question How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?

"For several years personally and professionally" is a good answer to this question.

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Being 'gay' is a sexual orientation it is being homosexual. It has nothing to do with how you are employed or in what capacity.

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A co-applicant is someone who applies for something along with another applicant.

Why would you recommend the applicant for placement as a volunteer?

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What are the requirements to become employed in the Judicial branch of the US government?

You must have lived in America for certain amount of years. Also you must be a citizen.Added: The question is MUCH TOO BROAD to be conslusively answered. Employed in WHAT KIND of position or capacity.

How do you answer the question 'How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity'?

In the context of 'College Applications and Entrance Requirements,' questions about 'in what capacity' the applicant has been known can (and should) be answered directly and simply. First, one's relationship to the applicant should be stated; for example, 'supervisor at restaurant such-and-such' or 'manager at office' in which the applicant worked (or still works). If the relationship is personal, this should also be indicated. Second, the length of time for which one has known the applicant should be stated; for example, 'for five years' or 'for 14 months.'

How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?

You just need to talk about how long and how well you know the student. Then you can share some positive aspects of their personality and why you think they will do well in school or at college.