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Q: In what liquid is food transported around the body?
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What is transported around the body by the circulatory system from food?


What is the liquid tissue of transport in the human body?

food is absorbed into the small intestine and the transported around body in blood. heart pumps oxygenated blood and during this the lungs take in the oxygen out of the food.

Why is digested food is transported around the body?

Lol i don't know...

What liquid transports food around the body the body?


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What is the name of the liquid that transports food around the body?

The liquid that transports food around the body is called blood. It carries nutrients, oxygen, hormones, and waste products to and from cells throughout the body.

How is the digested food transported?

The nutrients are taken out of the food while it is being digested, and going into your bloodstream, which flows around your body and feeds the nutrients to different parts of your body.

In the human body digested food is transported to cells by what system?


What does your body do with the energy from food?

It is transported to the cells via the blood stream for use

How does food travels in the body?

food travels in our body in a form of liquid after they are digested

What distrubutes blood to all parts of the body?

The Circulatory system transports food and oxygen in your blood. They are transported through the Blood Vessils.The Heart also Pumps blood all around the body.

What does the body need to keep the food moving through the body?
