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The Meiji Restoration was considered a revolution because their change from the Tokugawa Shogunate to imperial government; it was a really socail, political, and economic revolution.

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Q: In what sense can the Meiji Restoration be considered a revolution?
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Site restoration is correct. You may remediate contaminated soil or polluted water, to be more particular of the element under restoration. Reclamation is often used in the nearly the same sense as restoration, however it has been used in the past to "reclaim" land by building dams, i.e. to make an area more useful. If a harbor has been contructed, and become polluted, then reclamation makes more sense than restoration.

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The Father of the American Revolution is said to be Thomas Paine. He is the author of the pamphlet Common Sense.

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In a political sense: It means the overthrow by violence of an existing government/monarchy/dictatorship. In a science/phsycis sense: It means one complete 360 degree revolution of an object.

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cuz ur grandma worked my shaft

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