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When a woman is 4 months pregnant, she is considered to be in the second trimester. A typical pregnancy lasts 9 months with each trimester 3 months long.

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Q: In what trimester is one when being pregnant for 4 months?
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17 weeks is 4 months - one month into the second trimester.

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no not at all, you are totally safe.

How long is 18 weeks?

When someone is 18 weeks pregnant they are in their second trimester. A pregnancy is usually 42 weeks long. The first trimester is the first 13 weeks. The second trimester runs from week 14 to 26. The third and final trimester is weeks 27 to 42.

What is risks to abort after in months?

I don't know what you mean by "in" months but the first trimester is one of the safest procedures.

What is Trimester?

a trimester is 3 months of your pregnancy. there are 3 trimesters in a pregnancy. 1-3 months, 4-6 months, and 7-9 months.

What are the trimester of pregnancy?

there is 3 trimesters. the first is the first 3 months the next is the next 3 months and the last one is the last 3 months.

How many months pregnant are you if you are 21 weeks?

Since most doctors calculate based on how many weeks along you are starting from your Last Known Mental Period (LMP), it can be confusing converting weeks into months. So here's a basic rundown: Normal pregnancy lasts 280 days from your LMP (or, 40 weeks), or roughly 266 days from conception (which happens AFTER the LMP) to birth (or, 38 weeks). Here is a simple breakdown of weeks to months to help keep you on track: Weeks 1-4 - Month One (First Trimester) Weeks 5-8 - Month Two (First Trimester) Weeks 9-13 Month Three (First Trimester) Weeks 14-17 Month Four (Second Trimester) Weeks 18-21 Month Five (Second Trimester) Weeks 22-26 Month Six (Second Trimester) Weeks 27-30 Month Seven (Third Trimester) Weeks 31-35 Month Eight (Third Trimester) Weeks 36-40+ Month Nine (Third Trimester)

what is First trimester of pregnancy?

The first trimester is 0-12 weeks of pregnancy, roughly 3 months

How many weeks in 7 months?

Seven weeks is one month 3 weeks! You are 1 week shy of being 2 months pregnant!

What does it mean when you don't have a perid in 8 months?

How old are you? Sometimes when you are young and have just starting to have your period you can go for months until your next one, or are you possibly pregnant? There are cases where you don't show and have no symptoms of being pregnant and you are! Cheyzer

Is it possible to have a miscarriage when one week and 5 days pregnant?

Yes most miscarriages occur in the first trimester and many before the woman even knows she is pregnant.