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The bourgeoisie was different than the rest of the third estae

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They were rich and wealthy

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they didn't have tp pay taxes .

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Q: How was the Bourgeoisie different from the third estate?
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Related questions

Which Estate did the bourgeoisie belong to?

The Third Estate was the estate in which the bourgeoisie belonged to.

Which estate includes the bourgeoisie?

That was the third estate.

In what ways did the bourgeoisie differ from other members of the third estate?

The bourgeoisie was made up of wealthy people while the third estate was made up of nobles.

What was the difference between the bourgeoisie and the other members of the third estate?

Third Estate was the generality of people which were not part of the other estates, or commoners. Bourgeoisie were middle class.

Where did the people of the third estate live?

The 3rd estate represented the bourgeoisie, meaning the commoners.

How was the bourgeoisie different from other members of their estate?

The Bourgeoisie differed from other individuals of the Third Estate in that they had material wealth and education. The only differences between the Bourgeoisie and the nobility was rank in society and fiscal and ceremonial advantages conferred on the nobility on account of this difference in social caste.

Which estate do bourgeoisie belong to?

The Third, like everybody who was not noble or clergy

Which was the Third Estate?

The French working class. It includes the peasants, the bourgeois, and the merchants. Essentially, the Third Estate was everyone who was not a part of the noble class (Second Estate) or the clergy (First Estate).

Is the bourgeoisie part of the third estate?

The 1st estate was represented by the Clergy. The 2nd estate was represented by the Nobility. The 3rd estate was represented by the Bourgeoisie Meaning, the 3rd estate WAS the bourgeoisie.

What way did the bourgeoisie differ from other members of the Third Estate?

They were rich and wealthy

In way did the bourgeoisie differ from other members of the third estate?

They were rich and wealthy

In what way did the bourgeoisie differ from the other members of the Third Estate?

They were rich and wealthy